what'll it be bossman edition
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Niggers knock, knock, knocking at my chamber door. They have awoken me. Why won’t these tormentors let my soul rest?
Decided to just have cheerios for breakfast instead of lasagne.
However I was unironically considering the lasagne because I have some left over in my fridge and it wouldn't have been the first time I've pulled a stunt like this
for some reason i've never been asked for ID buying smokes but i get ID'd every time at the bottle-o
Quoth the nigger "ayyoholup"
missed out on year 8 two week long relationships
Need to shag her.
What has been your most alpha moment lads?
I was on holiday with the mates and these girls stopped and asked for a pic, I went to take a pic of them and they said 'no with you', then as I walked away shouted 'you're very handsome'.
My friends were like wtf but I played it cool so they thought it happened all the time (it does not)
How much are cigs down under
alpha would have been shagging them
are you hot though? if you consider yourself a 5 then they were probably making fun of you
In a shit job atm but it pays good and its where my 'rents live so i can save on rent
Can get an equal paying job in london which is probably better but obviously is going to be a lot worse in terms of savinh
This wasn’t very alpha you utter cringecase
>net immigration from asia has increased substantially after the referendum
>mostly driven by south asians
Got some soul-searching to do here rorkeyboy
I moved out of my parents to London an even though I have a lot less disposable income, London isn't the horror story people make out as long as you don't drink 40 pints a week in the local at a fiver a go.
I actually still save about 500 quid a month and I earn fuck all and I love it here, always something to do
where's the proofs???????
save for what? the best time of your life is now
did he ever get his 600 quid?
2 of my mates just got divorced
do they have kids
I lvd in london last year amd had a good job and sved about a grand a month
Moved back home for a bit to do this job but its a bit of an absolute mare as far as the job goes - but i am saving about 2 grand a month
no, thank fuck. one lasted 2 years the other lasted only 2 months. fuck that shit
All Australians must fucking hang. Non-negotiable.
I do go on the odd holiday abroad to splash out
Dont enjoy normie activities. They make me feel socially inept and start this really bad train of thoughts in my mind
Im saving to either retire from toil early or to have a family
>only 2 months
Lmfao wow
she was cheating on him a whole year leading up to the wedding. the guy she was cheating with was her dad's employee and he was at the wedding with his own fiance
Good effort lad.
Honestly tempting tbf, but I don't wanna look back on my 20s and realise I did nothing but penny count.
Having a healthy balanced approach is key, unless you really fuckingneed that money or something
>2 months
As i said i dont get much joy out of normie activities.
And i can live without restaurants/takeaways
Mentally preparing myself for a day of toil by hitting the bag
Pret for brekky hehe x
Fat ape
he found out 2 months after they got married and dropped her
It is grim. Imagine feeling defective because you don't quite fit in. Im not a shut-in i make friends at work and have hobbies and friends from my studying days.
But i can't keep up with fastpaced social stuff and dont have the social intelligence necessary to go to a nightclub/rave and have a good time
6'2, 82kg
Fuck off paddy, not in the mood this morning
does the sanctity of marriage mean nothing any more?
or are men just supposed to accept that sometimes their wife will fuck around because payback for patriarchy or some shit
Can we summon homealone?
>gf gaining weight
>Didn't want to have sex last night
Does not bode well
yeah im an autist too i know
Why do you think that your options are go to nightclubs/raves or stay at home?
I can't stand that shit, still enjoy a cheeky pint with the mates, go to a museum, go to a talk/lecture that you're both interested in, go to a boardgame cafe, go hike through a national park, go for a run /exercise, go for a curry.
I used to be exactly like you before I realised, most people aren't that arsed about restaurants, it's the chance to sit down and have a nice break with your mates over some food where humans bond best.
There's plenty to do, I hate this false dichotomy pedalled on here that you're either a normie who goes clubbing and drinks excessive amounts or you have to be a shut in
I hope she doesn't get a cent
>sanctity of marriage
*pulls walkie in from chest towards my mouth and sprakes thus*
Yeah we're gonna need a hat for this one, over
men actually cheat more often
This is exactly what cheat passes are for, it's a pressure release for modern couples, makes for a better relationship overall
Its a shame for me because i look normal.
oooo yer hard
don't sprain a wrist sweetie pie
>modern couples
very rude to presume i don't
hello cuck
I do go the pub/hang around with friends from toil or from studying
It just doesnty savings that much
Was givimg you the opportunity to comiserate not contrasting with you
what happens more often than not is they do this, then the relationship falls apart
naturally, you reddit nu-male moron
hit my bag :3
Really cannot be bothered to go to toik today
I hate my job souch
>falling for this bargain-basement cheat pass bait
Time for a coffee lads
It looks cold out. I may stay in bed.
Tough lol
'berg said not to risk coming in if it's looking difficult (due to weather) but my trains aren't delayed at all
Off to toil I go
Tum jaise chutiyon ka Sahara hai doston
Rate my day
>Woke up at half 6
>Listened to Google Home play the radio for a bit
>Read this place for a bit
>Had breakfast
>Going to have a green tea
>Work from home today so watch the snow fall out my window and dial in to a few calls
>Go to the gym
>Chill tonight
sorry i'm used to being bullied by myself
Cant call a sicky boss will think im hungover
Ever consider the fact that you weren't born a stupid rich Ayyrab?
Look at how fucking bored they are
Pretty good, though a bit boring. Gym very much a necessary outing
>Paying to have a marketing-surveillance device in your home
>If a man's testicles are crushed or his penis is cut off, he may not be admitted to the assembly of the LORD.
>Deuteronomy 23:1
Mind is saying i need to go to work
But my brain isnt cooperating
Just cant be bothered
get sad whenever schizo arrives and ruins the threads
Based jews sending christies to hell one baby at a time
And so he should
get sad whenever melvin posts as he drags down high energy /brit/ with his virginity
Can relate
>god: yeah cut off the foreskin
>god: btw no cut dicks allowed
More like neuteronomy lmaoooo
when will your realise melvin doesn't even exist
Im not hungover
I actually just cannot be arsed with it
Rorke off his rocker
>hungover off two pints and a bottle of beer
Just off me already, I'm over the hill
Turtle. Whoever. Stop whinging you little spastic faggot. Jesus fucking Christ.
Excuse me.
I am drunk, and I have no connection to the world other than my phone, since I am drubk at my friend's house who is passed out. Please (you) me something, anything.
I am a 20 year old white male (Swiss German/mennonite(moved to Pennsylvania in 1753)-->secular white(1960s-present)). Yes I am a gamer.
How do you decide whether or not to buy something expensive? Like you can easily afford it but it's still a lot of money for something you can live without.
>you mustnt have sex with anyone else because we wore expensive clothes in a hall in front of all of our friends and family and kissed and put rings on.
What was meant by this
jerk off to porn and play fifa and you'll forget about it
How many more inches of snow until we can start raping and pillaging?
I count in takeaways
when was the last time you bought some expensive non-essential
if the answer is recently don't do it.
will i enjoy the thing more than i would enjoy the money it cost and could have been spent on other things
Rorke out in force today, he seems to have developed some new vitality, he's looking ripped but also envigorated with spiritual vigour. Is that a bulletproof coffee in his hand? Whoah, he's caving in leftypol skulls left right and centre.
>why yes, I pseudonamefag on anonymous BBS
In Grade 4 some Grade 6 girls came up to me and told me I was cute.
unitoil in 3 weeks