I browse Jow Forums every day

>I browse Jow Forums every day.

Attached: 1528346439165.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Gamestop is dying

imagine being a fully grown man that still buys video games, watches anime and jerks off to trannies

Agreed. Gamestop is a trash company

What a loser

Attached: AC67539A-9FF0-4AF0-B685-89E49E95D764.png (645x552, 35K)

Attached: 1531509801409.jpg (650x706, 36K)

You're on Jow Forums(nel) through

i dont need to imagine m8

Attached: Barnes and Nobles.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: 1475261883568.png (658x662, 44K)

Attached: JourneyofJM1.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Physical Video Game retailers have been slowly dying throughout this decade, in some time there will be digital only and those stores will become merch stores like a video game version of Hot Topic.

Attached: spread my wings and shart.webm (480x360, 1.08M)

That monstrosity should be locked up and starved until it doesnt look so grotesque it literally is not a human anymore.

Attached: Fatty.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)

How much a loser you have to be to

>go to a video game shop
>video fat people there
>go home
>cut the video
>upload it on the internet

This video reeks of being made by some incel.


Attached: journeyofjm.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

Y..yeah just imagine w..w.what a loser he probably watches cartoons whenever they pop up

Jesus Christ. This is even worse. Why? Why would they make this video? I mean the video world be weird if it was made by a normal person. Jesus Christ. Nuke them already.

Y-yeah, what a l-loser

Attached: 1524309964879.jpg (619x453, 28K)

seething fattie

Attached: We got the game.webm (720x404, 2.67M)

>new video every wednesday
>last video 3 weeks ago
a-are they okay

Just nuke the south already

at least i pirate all my video games, don't watch anime and only jerk off to feminine trannies.

gamestop already is a merch store here. 2/3 of the store merch when you enter.

>english and spanish


i want the cashier to be my bf ;_;

Attached: 543454545.jpg (474x433, 20K)

What else is there to do?

Attached: 1540868441757.jpg (1403x790, 228K)


I’ll have you know I only jerk off to biological females, thank you very much.

How in the world can obesity get this badly? It's like they had no self-awareness. Reminds me of sloths in the wilderness, algae grows in their fur because they don't do anything to get it off

what a loser....

I've seen way too much fatkino, but this is new to me. What is it from? I must watch this.

The amount of replies to this post...
This place isn't serious right? There are more normal people than...that.