Be American

>be American
>parents have wage slaved their entire lives to save up a college fund
>attend college
>major in music

Why do they do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>That White

Is that some private school in North Dakota?

tricky pic because nigs don't go to college

Probably an actual university where they teach complicated things.

>Be american
>Go be #1 country in the galaxy
>Irrelevant countries exist

Literally why?

why do americans do this?

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why they don't wear socks?

its in texas

because the american male has a uniform and is afraid to stand out

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if its above 40F (4C) then that's shorts weather.

All those guys are Chadbros who are probably doing business or accounting. Besides dad can always hook you up with a job through one of his golf buddies

most kids in top US Unis are trust fund kids or Asians with tiger moms that have never touched a vacuum in their lives.

Considering pewdiepie makes more money than 1000 phds in stem field combined It's not that bad choice tho

simply le epic

why do some swedes on Jow Forums say they have student loan debt?

or like this
>be American
>parents have no savings, the notion is just too 'impossible'
>take massive loan(s) to attend college
>you don't study or do anything aside from social things, constantly on the verge of dropping out
>try to put a bit more effort in, you have a lifetime of debt riding on this afterall
>realise the education quality is dogshit and that the place is basically daycare for young adults, half your fellows are braindead and they justify it with smug arrogance
>can only grind through that non-education and hope for the best, a good degree with guarantee me a nice job...right??
>graduate without doing any job searching, career starting, or networking
>look for a job, can't get a job
>oh well

Yeah, 'cause every retard can just do something online and make bank, yea?

Also, being a public figure sucks because you constantly have eyes on you.

Education is completely free in Sweden, but of course you still have living costs (rent, food, etc.).
You get PAID a minimum of $90 a week for simply attending university. That goes straight into your pocket. Then you can borrow (at a very low rate) additionally $205 a week if you want to.

However, you are also paid money to support your rent, etc. So you get even more money than that.


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this post gave me second-hand anxiety

i'm sorry, americans. vote socialist democrat next time

Damn, you didn't have to be so real about it.

I go to a good university and its like 30% White though

We will try

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>be (formerly) homogeneous high trust society with 100+ average IQ
>recommend things that worked for you to multiracial lower IQ low trust society
what could go wrong

Jeez pls no.

>be yuro
>parents have paid taxes all their life for you and millions of others of children
>attend college
>major in arts and viking history


>Being rich is immoral
Where are you gonna generate your tax?
>From rich people!
Uhu so for your system to work there would need to be rich people?

STEM jobs are getting over saturated too. College is getting more pointless every year

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majoring in music is for privileged wh*te kids
they know they can get a meme degree while mommy and daddy pay for everything, then get a job at one of their friend's businesses

shan’t be replying to le Swedish libertardian gimmick poster

Yes, how easy is it to get citizenship in Finland?

You don't go to college for the degree.
You go there to network and fuck your balls off.

Literally what he said. Bernie and AOC both have no idea what they're talking about.
Especially Cortez. She actually said being a billionaire is bad, but her solution to getting more funds from taxing is literally taxing them.
Do you think they'll stay in america if that happens? Don't you think companies will keep their base of operations in America instead of outsourcing more to China if that happens?
What does that leave America with?
Underfunded budget, less jobs and more debt.
They're dumb as shit.

I'm a music major. Then again, I'm a classical musician.

People who view university merely as a means to employment have no right to attend university.

>be (formerly) homogeneous
This is a meme. The US hasn't been homogenous for 400 years.

you think the musicmen aspire to write a dissertion about how post-avant jazzcore is better than progressive dreamfunk? they aspire to some higher knowledge?

>being a public figure sucks because you constantly have eyes on you
Such people tend to have highly extroverted personalities that thrive on being the centre of attention; effectively demanding it in order to feel alive.

A lot of music majors focus on classical or jazz.

Considering how music programs are competitive to get into and require lots of work to stay a part of, yes.

>Where are you gonna generate your tax?
It isn't currently being generated from the rich, who notoriously evade tax and smuggle trillions offshore.
>Uhu so for your system to work there would need to be rich people?
See above. Rich people don't generate tax revenue, only their workers do.

>spend 30% of our budget on blowing up people and getting people to hate our country
>meanwhile no one has savings because they all disappear due to insane health care costs and tuition
>tfw I would pay the same tax rate in Switzerland and get practically free healthcare and tuition, and never need to own a car due to excellent infrastructure because they don't spend all that money on the military (also helps they're more densely populated)

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>completely free education
>you get paid $90/w

My education is completely free, and I get paid $2,432/m just for going to school. I also recieved $1,000 for books and supplies (luckily only 1 class required text books, so I pocketed $800)

you are both pathetic.

The people who major in Music ussually are rich enought to go to grad school

>muh connections

60,000 dollar tuition isnt worth muh connections or fucking whores , maybe it is in the nethercucks not here.

also in the age of the internet you can get connection on fagbook

Meanwhile a lot of "free market" advocates claim Switzerland is the result of deregulation and no government involvement in the market. Yes, they're that delusional.

>She actually said being a billionaire is bad
It is. All billionaires are criminals.
>but her solution to getting more funds from taxing is literally taxing them
The top few percent currently hoard enough wealth that a fraction of it could be skimmed without them really noticing and be used to end both world hunger permanently, as well as provide clean drinking water for all of humanity.
These billionaires are nothing but parasites who should be killed off. They hoard far, far more wealth and prosperity than the average worker generates.

Musicians and other creative artists are the people who make human live worth experiencing, you fucking retard. Humans are emotional creatures and the drive for knowledge is directly inspired by our environment, from the beauty we see in it.

No mate, you are pathetic. Your entire worldview is that of a bootlicking drone. You'd fit right into serfdom.

sorry we aren't all eligible for the 1 nigger in computer science financial aid package

That’s literally the dumbest reason to go. And that’s exactly why so many people fuck up their potential professional lives.

I think he was talking about us

>Musicians and other creative artists are the people who make human live worth experiencing, you fucking retard. Humans are emotional creatures and the drive for knowledge is directly inspired by our environment, from the beauty we see in it.

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>Musicians and other creative artists are the people who make human live worth experiencing, you fucking retard. Humans are emotional creatures and the drive for knowledge is directly inspired by our environment, from the beauty we see in it.
right, the invention of the pacemaker came directly from gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

switzerland is the result of regulation and no government involvement in banking though

I’m not doing CS. Im just doing a General Studies A.S.


You're getting wealthier as well, albeit at a slower pace than them. Why is the top 1% being richer than you such a problem for you?

>Musicians and other creative artists are the people who make human live worth experiencing, you fucking retard. Humans are emotional creatures and the drive for knowledge is directly inspired by our environment, from the beauty we see in it.
mate if your "music" was good, it'd be popular by right. you wouldn't have to attend college.
you're fooling yourself.

i'm not saying to be mean. rather, the people who told you to pursue this was mean. it's like telling a handcapped kid he can walk if he only wants it badly enough. it's not gonna happen, it's just cruel.

I don't think you get it. According to them its immoral to be rich. They want to tax them so they get on level with others. That's the point of socialism. Everyone should be on the same level.
Those rich people are gonna flee, and them what I said happens.

>Caring about American politics

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You know if some huge tax against the rich happened here, those people would just move to Russia, right?

Putin loves billionaires

Capital flight won’t happen here because we’re too big and we’re still extremely friendly to the wealthy
Our taxes also follow our citizens around the world, so it’s not like they can escape them unless they renounce their citizenship and run off to China, which would probably result in them having their accounts frozen.

and every single swede has to pay an insanely high income tax. even though the majority of them do not go to college. ah very fair!


>And have their accounts frozen. Millionaires and billionaires don't save their money in American banks, user. And if they did and they got frozen, that would be oppression and would be taken up in one of the UN courts ( I don't remember which one).
And guess what, you would lose the case.

You’re dumb if you think billionaires here are going to pay 70% tax

Oh he does

>That one indian guy always in the group of bros

how does one become that indian

Turn off the proxy Cletus, no one is falling for your gimmick.

>He says that as he's falling for a gimmick
Did you know we once tried the same thing AOC and Bernie are propagating?
Do you know what happened? We stagnated economically and famous writer Astrid Lindgren ended up paying 102% income tax.
Do you know what historic thing happened during that time? Our very first non-socdem party won the election and do you know what happened to the guy that implemented it in the first place? He got shot.

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>We stagnated economically

Not him, but how do you feel with the fact that you pay tax for everyone to have free uni, but the fact that not everyone actually goes to uni?

>tfw unironically dress like this
fuck you Jow Forums

You've been reading students venting their problems

70-talets ekonomiska kris i historisk belysning pdf

We don't pay tax for that. We pay tax to the government that then decides where it's spent. If people don't go to uni, it's spent elsewhere. The money doesn't disappear.

If you're smart you can go to a good state school for free on merit scholarships.

How strict are admissions standards at Swedish universities?

My concern wrt implementing such a system in the US is that universities are already inundated with marginal students owing to relaxed academic standards.

do you like paying a lot of tax? Do you ever wonder how your life would be different if you paid much less in tax?

If everyone goes there for connections who has that helpful connection everyone is supposed to leech off on?

Life would be more stressful

the state of burger reading comprehension

>caring about un court


>ended up paying 102% income tax
Marginal tax is not tax, it is a difference between two taxation levels.

I have a degree in music ask me AMA

At around 0 to -2 this is actually pretty comfy. Who the fuck needs a parka for a light dusting?

>do you like paying a lot of tax?
yes. i feel safe, insured. if i get sick or in an accident leaving me disabled or just from growing old or poor, i know society will always take care for me and i will have a good standard of living. i feel like i have all opportunities i can have, to pursue education as i wish, etc.
it's a very comfy feel.

Attached: comfy.jpg (450x600, 30K)

>mother was a mathematician and artist from UC Berkeley that went on to perform hair transplants
>father is a don draper tier chad that is a drunken traveling salesman
>sister is an attractive blonde that married a guy with money
>I'm a complete fucking loser at 30


they do this as a form of brainwashing, thinking their ability to withstand cold while wearing shorts means they're white

Woah. How are Nigerians treated there (besides the memes)?

Thinking about immigrating to Sweden with my girlfriend (Norwegian)

Did you pursue your dream job?

I would have to keep track of more stuff and I would have to rely on savings if I got fired from my job for being sick and then having to pay the hospital bill with money that doesn't exist since my insurance company told me they wouldn't cover it.
Instead I have a union that gets funded by the government that ensures me that I won't get fired for being sick and if I somehow lose my job, I get 80% of my salary for 200 days or until I find a new job.

And yet the average swede has more disposable income than the average yank, weird huh?

But she legit payed 102% of her income.

Not him, but I have $70k in my bank right now

great! if you get in an accident or get sick, you just need $70k more! half-way there! yay friend

you will never be anywhere near those types of incomes to be affected by those high taxes, user. why do you care? you're literally being a cuck and a bootlicker.

user, if you read the post you would have made this dumb reply. I was telling him about the socioeconomics of that time which aligns with Bernie's and AOC's. Do you think rich people will be fine with paying even 70% of their money In america?

paying 70% on their millionth dollar, you mean.
and yes, considering they paid 90% historically under republican rule