Jesus. You know what to do. Please make it moon

Jesus. You know what to do. Please make it moon.

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thank you jesus for this next step up. $7K before july

Jesus cares about the poor, so he will continue to allow it to drop so more can get in on the crypto train

Sorry anons but i saw y did bad things so not todays.

Please give us wisdom to capitalize on the moon missions Jesus, in Jesus name we pray, amen.

I'm poor, so Jesus will make my coins moon.

Jesus loves 0xBTC

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Thinking about only yourself is not a very Christian thing to do user

Deny yourself and take up your cross user.

I want to die

god helps those that help themselves. our digits confirm

Hiya guise! Jesus here! In reality my name is Jacobo Toll-Messia and my latest revelation is an Eth scaling solution capable of 15tps per user(address). It's called striim and we just deployed to the ropsten testnet

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He that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. John 12:25

ישוע נמצא כאן. לירח השנה.

thanks biblebro

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Thank you user from Nazareth

Jesus is GOD so He can make BTC rise to $1 million if He wanted to


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Jesus is a jew psyop

That's because we are Always our eternal self, we just created ourselves in this material fun to expand and feel. When you die you'll remember and you'll want to come back here and experience new things.

Tell me anons does Jesus love link children?

Yes, Jesus loves you too.

give me all the bull seed jesus

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