Beat countries in the world for sex tourism that aren't Thailand or Philippines?

Beat countries in the world for sex tourism that aren't Thailand or Philippines?

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Your mom.

get it? she's as big as a country and a whore. heheh.



Sweden and Germany today

Las Vegas Nevada

sweden doesn't have legalized prostitution, just really tall mannish club whores


Depends on how you look
>If ugly and autistic: just forget it
>If handsome: you'll get laid everywhere you go

Switzerland has good legal brothels. Expensive tho.

canary islands, I saw little boys next to a road dressed like prostitutes

>what are the best countries for sex tourism other than the best best sex tourism countries

Are there any places where you can slap females around and treat them like the garbage meat bags they are, for a fee? I don’t mean anything violent, I’m not a serial killer, just tears and crying will suffice. Asking for a friend. p.s. I don’t want to do anything illegal just normal hurting and maybe sex (with consent of the meat bag’s owner of course)

Willing to pay whatever it costs but looking for a normal retail scene nothing sketchy, no underworld stuff.

lookist here

not exactly, you can be ugly and go to asia anyway if you're white


bigdaddycum3@hotmail contact me I'll show you

who would want to fuck a yellow primate

okay, hit me up at [email protected]

I'll be waiting for you


foreigners have a hard time getting laid here unless they pay for it like the rest of us mortals do

>post great joge
>leave for hour
>get no {you's)
fucking Jow Forums

Do you get pleasure from physically hurting someone and making them cry? Did your mom beat you as a child so now you wanna get back by doing it to other people? Srs question btw

Yeah that's what I'm asking. I've done flipland and Thailand to death.

Unironically Cambodia. Had a great time there, even nutted in a few girls.

How much money do you usually spend on a vacation to either one?


Go fuck the sex dolls. STD-free

just got back from colombia

>second largest trans population on earth (after Brazil)
>most are smoking hot and passable
>have lunch every day in the food court next to the building they "work" out of
>fake bump into one of them every now and then "ohh im sorry let me buy you lunch"
>most like being treated like human beings for once
>they are also extremely needy and think sex is the only leverage they have to try and date a guy and thus fuck very easily
>their mix of emotional female and horny male makes them easy to manipulate
>they usually move to another place within the month because they are "touring" the country (homeless)

I fucked more than a dozen trannies in the month I was there. It's great. I highly recommend it.

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