Brazilians, is it true if Bolsonaro keeps in power for the next 4 years all of these guys will fled to Argentina?

Brazilians, is it true if Bolsonaro keeps in power for the next 4 years all of these guys will fled to Argentina?

Please make it happen huemonkeys!!! I'm waiting for them.

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You'll get me instead.


First Bolsonaro is not homophobic, second you will only get pic related since only fags hate him, not gays.

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The media here is portraiting him as hateful, like he will kill all gays from your country tomorrow.

>Bolsonaro is not homophobic

They are going to treat anyone right of full socialism as AntiChrist now.

fuck you, monkey chink

Is this because of Pinochet?

>Bolsonaro is not homophobic

It's not like they are saying here.


He openly supports Pinochet, what do you think?

>only brazilian women are good looki-

Speak with respect if you want serious replies, diego.

All lies. Muh homopgobic was just leftist narrative to he loses the election. Leftists don't give a shit about anybody.

>first guy
please send him here

why do brazilians act like unironic MAGApedes as of late

Most of these come from Jow Forums after going there from facebook Jow Forums pages or 55chan which is just /b/ but in portuguese

>not a bullshitter
He got elected because of Netnayahu helped him, he will even more corrupt than the people before him.
Also Venezuela is full with oil like as much as Saudi Arabia, Israel and CIA wants that, hence Ruskies sent mercenaries in the area and 2 tactical nuke bombers.

>Bolsonaro is not homophobic

Right wing candidates breed MASS autism. Doesn’t matter who it is; Trump, Bolsonaro, Salvini, the autistic following is all the same.

basically this

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>someone tells you a fact
>hur magapede lul

You "people" are just as bad as the "poltards" you cry so much about. You're all the same trash.

didn't read lol


Believing in something diferent from what you think is being autistic, i see now. The left is really so superior...

I blatantly don’t respect you or your opinions. Being left wing doesn’t mean I have to be nice to everyone arbitrarily.

If you can't listen to the proposes from the other side you are as ignorant as any other Jow Forumstard

I’ve listened to your side’s “proposals” more times than I’d have ever liked to. Just because I think you’re a subhuman doesn’t mean I haven’t heard what you have to say. In fact it’s because of that that I do think you’re one.


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>bolsonaro is homophobic
I wish. Keep believing the media you stupid faggot.

you just notice it from right wingers because you frequent Jow Forums. if you go to twitter or something you'll notice it's the same with left wingers. right wingers come down as more autistic because they invest more time in their unpaid shilling, constantly forcing memes, shitting out cancerous wojak/pepe variations and wanking each other off over "owning da libs" each time one of them causes a thin skinned tumblr fairygender snowflake to post "im literally shaking right now". there's spergs in every point of the political spectrum, which nowadays has become interchangeable with the autism spectrum.
tl;dr both right and left wingers do it for free and are proud about it

>says he would personally kill his sons if they turned out gay
>"wtf the media is lying!!!"

Yet you listed only ways in which right wingers did it.

Yes every straight male is rightfully disgusted by faggots but he's still a neocon faggot that will never do anything about it

Wait I shouldn't have used faggot as an insult twice, makes the post confusing.
It's 3 am here btw

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Show me a video where he says that o retardado

He didnt say he would kill, just beat up badly

left wingers do it by constantly opposing people they dislike no matter what they do or say. american left wing twitter sides with venezuela's government, when they know nothing about the country's situation, because trump opposes it. on tumblr people claim to be all kinds of nonsensical shit yet they never call each other out of it because that'd make them fascist straight male opressors. just like autistic internet right wingers call anyone that disagrees with them on the slightest thing a commie, saying something like "illegal immigrants are a bad thing" gets you called a literal nazi fascist racist monster. all of them have basically the same opinions on topics like race, religion, sex, etc and god forbid you disagree with them. they also tend to side with politicians they know nothing about just because of where they stand in the political spectrum, like maduro or haddad to give some examples.
for an example of how left wingers can be an autistic hivemind just like right wingers, look at the venezuela case. juan guaidó, the guy trump supports, is a center-left social democrat. one of the members of his party, popular will, is a transgender woman involved in lgbt rights activism. sounds like something they'd support, right? well, trump supports them, so they're bad.
the main difference between both kinds of autists is that while right wingers engage in impressive olympic level mental gymnastics to justify their favorite candidate's actions no matter how retarded they are, left wingers resort to calling people that disagree with them stuff like racist, sexist, homophobic etc.


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What the corporate media doesn't tell you

A higher percentage than Le Pen in 2017 and Trump in 2016

do brasilians have high hopes in Bolsonaro finally BTFO'ing crime in Brazil or do they think he's just a sensationalist?

A mix of both, sensible people know he can't fix everything in 4 years but we hope he gets the economy going at least

He has a highly qualified team to deal with public security, with Sérgio Moro as the Minister of Justice and roughly half of his cabinet comprised of military veterans. He also has an excellent relationship with the polices (from which many of his allied congressmen came from) and like-minded allied governors in the most important and/or developed states (Witzel, Caiado, Dória, Zema, Moisés, Ratinho Jr.). He also performed very well and elected allied governors in the border states, from where the drug comes from (Acre, Roraima, Rondonia, Mato Grosso). I think they will all do an excellent work in the field of crime and violence. In fact, this will probably be one of Brazil's best developments in the following year, together with the economy. Unfortunately, the northeast won't be benefited as much - it has elected leftist governors in ALL states.

autists always fall for the powerful populist type