How many bitcoins do I need to look like this?

How many bitcoins do I need to look like this?

Attached: 1530374502081.webm (960x540, 990K)

I think you just need to be a 5'5 manlet with a decent diet and 30lb dumbells.

you do realise he is a 33 year old boomer.....yfw.

enough so you don't have to wagecuck and can train all day

That posture though.

that guy is 6'1

Does he only train lats?

however many btc it takes for dental work, botox/facial surgery, hair transplant, and 2 years in the gym

Attached: CristianoRonaldoBeforeAfter.jpg (499x368, 71K)

To look gay? Youre already there user

I think all he did was fix his tongue posture, stopped mouth breathing, and started sleeping on his back.