African cuisine

>african cuisine

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holy shit hahahahhahahahah

Americans think Africa is a single country smaller than North America. It's not their fault, they were educated that way as a joke.

It is a single country otherwise black people wouldn't be called "african" Americans, they would be called Nigerian Americans or Congo Americans

>he didn't get the joke


People do use specific names though.


It's an extremely worn out joke.

I think what you say applies to the entire Anglo sphere in general.

Near my school there's an African restaurant, I think the owner is from Cameroon and serves something called 'soyas'

That's because they can't trace their heritage back to a particular place because you ripped their culture away from them when you enslaved their ancestors.

if you order it his cousins come out from the kitchen and rape your soy ass on the table

mmmm sopa de rata uma delicacia africana

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not true. There is not a single black person who refers to himself as a proud Sub-Saharan.


The Romans were super into dormouse. They'd probably scarf this down and laugh at the poors for not being able to afford it.

burger de mosca.... uma delicia

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I wanna taste this so badly

god i wish that were me

My brain is telling me this is savory and chewy, but I bet it probably tastes like grass and shit.

You mean other Africans collected various African slaves and brought them to specific markets making knowledge of their origins impossible outside of genetic markers.

my based compatriot

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Why are white women so ugly bros?

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Embarrassing post, stop making us look bad

You faggots do the same shit with the US. You think that we're all the same goblino mart sharters but that only applies to a a few states near the border and south. Each state is unique in it's demographics and culture yet you lump them all together like if they're the same. It's like saying "shut up Mohamed" to a white European country like Estonia because you think all of Europe is the same

The real reason white women come to Africa is not for the cuisine. It's for the BIG BLACK COCK.

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