Gonna move here

I have online income. Going to either Gran Canaria or Andalusia.

>inb4 fuck off we're full
Vengo y puedes aser nada motherfucker

Attached: 51C0uP3dVKL._SX450_.jpg (450x312, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


no puedes*

make sure they pay reparations for the inquisition

this and

as the representative of a muslim country that we are we do not accept you.

>Vengo y puedes aser nada motherfucker
Vengo y no puedes hacer nada hijo de puta

¿Por que un judío quiere ir a España?

Ese israelita no sabe hablar español

Por que ablas Espanos si estan un Braziliano?

Do you use WhatsApp?

Si eres una mocita sefardi asi bien mona te puedes quedar en mi cama uwu.
Si eres un ruso de mierda o un asqu*nazi mejor pudrete en tu pais de mierda.

a show of semitic unity

I live in Gran Canaria

it's nice, best weather, we can be frens

Attached: pepe sad2.png (598x480, 79K)

Voy o voy a ir

The Catholic Church failed to kill all the jews from Spain (Hispania)

¿Acaso podrías soportar a un judío en tu morada?

Mejor ve a Murcia

I live in the capital of Gran Canaria, unless you like beaches or Gay clubs you'll be bored as fuck here

I tought I was the only one from here browsing Jow Forums. Glad to know I'm not lol

We'll teach him in Jow Forums.

>go to barcelona
>nothing opens until like 4pm
How do people do this?

More like 9am-14am to 5pm to 9pm but it changes from store to store. Restaurants are more like 12am-4pm to 8pm-11pm.

You are not alone, Shinji

Europe schedules are weird.

Restaurants must open since early morning 7/8/9 AM until midnight or 1/2 AM We like 24/7 stores. Was a culture shock in Germany with sotres closed the whole Sunday.

Si el israelista nos lee:
¿Cuál es tu nombre?
¿Eres judío ortodoxo?
¿Estas abierto a conocer hermosas, sexys, seductoras, eroticas y morenas chicas de Africa o Latinoamérica?

Yes, very small and isolated place. Do you have good internets there? I just used it briefly in a bar.

t. turist

Attached: Kanariansaaret.png (1540x620, 336K)

Los mexicanos sois como los yanquis pero mas cutres.

>Europe schedules are weird.
It's changes from country to country.

Estimado Steve, considero que vos estais generalizando.
¿Se te antoja venir a Mexico? ¿Usas WhatsApp? Podemos mensajear

Italy has a lot of lazy dudes working (or acting to work) like in Parma.

>Germany with sotres closed the whole Sunday
Wow, when was this? We used to have the jesus-day thing here too. Would figure Germany was least into these things, being all gay and shit.

Soy espñol
>¿Se te antoja venir a Mexico?
Ya he estado.
>Podemos mensajear

You'll fit well in Catalonia

I have 300Mb Internet here and they will update it to 600 soon. Many submarine cables going from Europe to Latin America and Africa are also connected to the islands so we got a good connection.


Attached: 1495394815977.jpg (331x319, 41K)

It was in the tiny town of Quakenbruck during October 2014. Was the Netto store closed as well other stores. At least I liked my hotel at a nearby hotel:

Cable modem or ethernet? How is the upload? Does it have native IPv6?

Bueno, Pepe
¿Que haces en USA?

welcome to third world in europe

¿Eres Canario?

Cable modem. I should check the upload but it's supposed to be symetric, and I don't know about the last one 2bh.

Why are catalans so jew-like? From their appearance (90% percent of them have a crooked nose and predominantly semitic features) to their actions (disrupting order and usury), I see no difference between the two.

Attached: Roca.jpg (900x600, 78K)

the entirety of Iberia and Italy belongs to the YIDDISH BVLL

prove you are Chosen or everybody ignore this thread

You should move to Toledo

Jews that speak yiddish are basically germans you dumb yank.
Spanish jews speak ladino.

No, it belongs to the BERBER BVLL, all of it except for Catalonia, because they are just too jewish in blood and spirit.

España los exilo una vez, y los van a volver a mandar al desierto, donde su gente pertenece

Andalusia is Africa youll be at home>15

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-44-12.png (720x1280, 574K)

why would you leave? this is paradise on earth

Hello, Israel tourism agency.