Do you like swimming?

Do you like swimming?

I love it

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poles can't swim

I like swimming as well. I started as a kid, and I still do it sometimes.


>Swimming in the swimming pool
I feel bad for the non-coastal "people".

Some rivers, lakes, and ponds are also nice.

I swim in the river here sometimes. Skinny dipping outdoors is based.

I’ve never seen a pool, a lake, or the ocean

Good thread

Nevada resident?

I almost drowned in lake Baikal In my childhood. Been getting better in swimming since than

Yeah :(

i can't tread water, my legs sink too much :(

Yes but I'm an insecure fatty so the last time I swam must've been a decade ago

I think that's common. Treading water for a long time can be tiring.

I've got nowhere to swim

i guess its because i'm a Jow Forumsfag who has low bf in relation to bodyweight, i sink like a rock even with full lungs.

lakes are better

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Do you swim in the ocean or a lake? Salty water is easier to float in

why? fat means you'll float better

>tf don't like swimming and seafood

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mostly pools and rivers.

no I have a phobia of deep water

I wish I had a swimming hall within 20 minutes walking distance, I'd swim 3 times a week

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>citizen of the greatest Navy Empire in the history
>has a phobia of water
sorry but, ULTRA KEK

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All swimming halls are full of "new swedes" these days.

seriously? is it a problem?

Do they have special swimming hijabs?

I love it, but I live in a really small city now and I don't have any good places to start swimming again.