Are there really many benefits to stop masturbating or is this all a bunch of autistic stuff with zero scientific proof that channers sperg around like they found the secret to eternal life?
I don't think I can go more than 3 days without cumming, I start feeling physically bad. Why suffer through this?
Its all misunderstood. STOP using porn. You can masturbate all you want but internet pornography isnt good for your mind. You need to cum to keeo your heart healthy.
Josiah Allen
You start smelling like dogshit if you masturbate constantly (more than twice a day, everyday). Just jerk off once and wait two days till you j off again. If it's really important to jerk off the least as possible to you, do this til you get used to it, then just add another day of no fapping.
Grayson Howard
I think the thing people find positive about quitting masturbating is that their dopamine levels start to neutralize, I don't think it has anything to do with testosterone or sexual energy or whatever they claim.
Juan Foster
Just think about it from a perspective of self control. Do you regularly sacrifice other things you could be doing to look at porn or fap? Do you fap more than you would actually like to? Do you feel like you spend too much time fapping? Do you use porn as an escape from things in the real world? If porn or masturbating has too much control over your life you should curb it.
Dopamine desensitization occurs when you masturbate to ever more erotic porn, same with sex addicts, except there is no emotional connection being formed. That is to say the entire rest of your life becomes more boring. Go talk to a sex addict/porn addict men's group and see if it's just a joke/pseudoscience--it can control people's lives like a drug it is so powerful.
Matthew Nelson
nofap since jan 1 after years of daily masturbation. I can confirm stopping masturbation has very positive effects, and it gets easier after 2 weeks of resisting temptation.
After 2 weeks, your dopamine levels elevate throughout the day, and you'll just feel more confident, excited, and motivated all day. I actually feel motivated to get out of bed immediately nowadays and do something outside
Aiden Gomez
Isn't your dick massively sensitive after so many days without orgasming?
Josiah Phillips
only initially, and it's more in the mind rather than the dick
Christian Butler
>You start smelling like dogshit if you masturbate constantly (more than twice a day, everyday)
Try taking a shower.
Wyatt Ross
Oh and did you know that Hugh Hefner eventually got to the point where he had to look at gay porn to achieve any stimulation at all?
Ryder Stewart
>Are there really many benefits to stop masturbating or is this all a bunch of autistic stuff with zero scientific proof that channers sperg around like they found the secret to eternal life?
There is precisely zero empirical evidence to support the medical efficacy of Nofap beyond the placebo effect, so option b is correct.
Levi Perry
Our sex drives evolved to be satisfied by the opposite sex. Not internet porn. Addiction definitely messes with body chemistry.
Kevin Mitchell
I found i feel better wanking sporadically, like once every 4 days. But long term no fap brought no more noticeable advantages, so i just try to keep it down a bit.
Andrew Hernandez
I need to jerk off a little or I can't get up in the morning. It's necessary to get blood flowing to your brain.
Jordan Bell
That sounds like a very educated conclusion you didn't pull out of your ass. I will try it, thanks for inspiring me user.Hopefully i can stick to it.
Hudson Lee
Porn does fry your brain; you should minimize your consumption of it.
Grayson Campbell
placebo at best for people who aren't masturbating twice daily or some other stupid shit like that
I've been watching porn ever since I was 11 (30 now) and never got into any bizarre fetishes or started masturbating too much, just have some self control you barbaric freaks.
masturbating twice/thrice per week (well, more so cumming, not really masturbating) can be beneficial for your prostate and urinary tract.
Isaac Harris
>masturbating twice/thrice per week (well, more so cumming, not really masturbating) can be beneficial for your prostate and urinary tract. That's accurate; it keeps you flushed out and reduces your chances of prostate cancer.
Robert Morgan
Porn doesn't resemble real sex anyway. Real sex can be a beautiful thing, a bunch of drugged up zombies simulating sex acts on camera for heroin money is not.