Why do yuropoors try to gang up on Americans?

Why do yuropoors try to gang up on Americans?

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EU mentality. They have to stick up for one another.

Also I miss ameribear

Because it's fun and because other cultures are alien wnough that we can understand it. But americans are mostly the same with some weird ass shit sprinkled on. Which makes it hilarious

Americans insult euros as one homogenous group so all euros insult them back, simple as.

They're a lot like nig nogs. Individually weak, so they travel in packs.

The whole world gangs up on us because it wouldn't be fair otherwise. Semper fi...

Fuck new worlders. Europeans united

Based new world bros

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What actually happens is half the catalog is you shitting on us as hard as possible while barely anyone makes threads about you in return

t. too scared to travel across the ocean and create the promised land.

Face it Nigel, your grandparents were cucks

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*votes for Brexit*
fuck off m8

The fiat US dollar is so inflated that the burgers are using notes as bed covers. Weimar 2.0

I'm glad your grandparents were when they came all the way from China

Nope frisian and welsh.

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Making fun of others temporarily alleviate the pain I feel inside.

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they can't take on you individually

What if instead of being mean to others you were nice to others? Then that would also alleviate the pain

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I'll never stick up for a filthy g*Rmoid though

source on the girl?

What's wrong with mutts and atrocidads?

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t. g*Rmanized b*Lkanoid (t*Rk)