>Commonwealth cucks
How embarrassing.
Commonwealth cucks
Ex-Britain. Long live the queen!
You're an American dominion you proto-Chink.
The commonwealth is just a ceremonial thing now. It just means you get to participate in a sports tournament.
They have their own Olympics. It is so sad that it becomes fun.
>how dare you make us pay our fair share of taxes! Its time to declare independence!
>his head of state isn't also head of state of 15 other countries
Can't imagine this feeling.
>immediately raises taxes higher than we wanted to to pay for the independence war
At least based Benedict Arnold proved loyal.
>Paying shekels to your foreign cuck masters for literally no reason when you could just break free and out perform them at every turn
Must be why Canadians are such loyal NPC's lmao
>foreign cuck masters
They weren't foreign, they were your fellow countrymen. You simply got led astray by greedy industrialists and slaveowners who wanted to seize power over the people from the British parliament.