
>ancient finns built the pyramids!

how do you respond?

Attached: finnar.png (679x610, 68K)

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another masterpiece by swedish user.

I sneak a quick vittu perkele then turn 360° and walk away

Cringe and show him Finland is Germanic.png

Correct answer.

Attached: 1547821852593.jpg (600x287, 23K)


every time sw*des make sport of our less yellow big-eyed Mongolian brethrens my blood boils up to the point my iron fist goes into their faces straight whenever i happen to see them in sight. fuck sw*des long live Finnish race 1632 and 1709 best days of my life

Attached: 1517410715184.png (1020x766, 926K)

Fuck off inbred mongol

wow Sam Hyde really let himself go


Attached: finnougrian.jpg (1026x602, 143K)