ITT: post the demographics of your city

ITT: post the demographics of your city

How fucked am I?

Attached: C4775732-3419-417C-AB55-8F2049BC3026.jpg (750x937, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread: vuosikirja___/cf07d74d-f0ff-4a29-bb34-3d1863798da2

The Australian Census doesn't ask about race

Attached: Melbourne.png (197x360, 13K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190203-121444~01.png (1080x1379, 176K)

mixed race: 100%

>white british

Attached: 1514467989332.png (345x343, 84K)

My city has 3,8% who speak language other than finnish or (may ukko forgive me for uttering this word) sw*dish

Arround 25% are foreigners

Attached: Screenshot_20181015-025520~2.png (1000x1801, 184K)

21% have at least one foreign-born parent. The majority of them are Finnish or Norwegian.

Why is pic related counted as white in your country's census?

Attached: Sudan people.jpg (2000x1331, 486K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190203-132903.jpg (678x208, 45K)


130k inhabitants
Rip Innsbruck

Attached: innsbruck.png (283x375, 12K)

melbourne doesn't have any lebanese or persian people?
Why'd the all move to sydney?

~8% non European isn't that bad

Das rite we white now.

It's not only non-europeans, it's the g*Rms, majority of the turks and around half of the slavs as well

Such is the life in the countryside.

Attached: 64346463.png (284x78, 3K)

It's a complete fucking catastrophe.

I don't think there are many Iranians in Australia. Lots of Lebanese were born here

What's wrong with the germs?

I mean relative to much of Western Europe

They're arrogant, stuck up and their mentality and mindset is so fucking toxic to be around

25% foreigners
20% shitskins with citizenship

2,6% negroes, rest white.

Attached: Screenshot_20190203-144413~2.png (910x436, 32K)

We don't have mixed ethnicity in our census so guys like picrelated are counted as ethnic russians.

Attached: IMG_7897.jpg (2048x1287, 369K)

Something like that

Attached: (1080x1920, 206K)

Is the Arkansas side any better?

Volga region. What a pissdump that place is.

Yep, like Moscow now.

It’s a little over 60% white I think

Attached: it_milano_.png (325x643, 27K)

1.5% non-Finnish where I live.

Attached: camera.jpg (956x792, 125K)

I'd be surprised if my city was 80% white.

Why is Finland so homogenous?
What about cities like Tampere and Turku?

My little town is 90%+ white. Feels good.

12% foreign born, no data for foreign parents

Attached: 2.jpg (453x983, 43K)

Which city?

Tampere 92,3% and Turku finnish. Helsinki 79,9%. Vaasa 69,1% finnish (stats from 2016). Also, fuck swedes.


*Turku 84% finnish

I wonder if migrants segregate themselves from the rest

Most non-german city in germany 57% have some form of migrant background

Attached: Screenshot_20190203-141749~2.png (1080x1979, 207K)

Around 18% are foreigners

Attached: a0ea643cbf0288267875794f6532e508.jpg (1109x725, 373K)

Based ukrainians colonizing pepik land

They are ok

There are some low-cost neighborhoods that the immigrants usually prefer, but cities have started to try to integrate some cheaper housing into better parts of the cities to reduce segregation and it's side-effects. The state also tries to spread immigrants (when possible) evenly to reduce the risk of having minority-filled neighborhoods.

based Frankfurt taking all the people I don't like

20% non-white muslim


Attached: luton demographics.jpg (492x606, 123K)

Ahahahaha OH NO NO NO ehehehe

>20% fall in 10 years



>White: Gypsy
"It's don't"

Our gypsies are Irish so they're not human but they are white

No gypsy is human, white or not. Saying that they aren't human is redundant.

6.75% of the population of my city are foreigners
at least 43% of foreigners are latin americans, over half of wich are venezuelan (theres a small venezuelan community)
10% of foreigners are french and 7% are portuguese

Attached: extranjeros.png (658x436, 129K)

What's the optimal % of foreigners in your opinion?

Which city?



Attached: africa-_733x475_acf_cropped.jpg (733x475, 343K)

Also the population is on a steady decline since it peaked at 28k in the 50s
Its 20k now and still falling, such depressing place
A northern city in spain, its pretty small there are dozens of cities like this

Attached: 21aG0005color.jpg (1600x1200, 947K)

100% if they're germans or brits.

We are not even close to American's level of obsession with race... we don't do that.

>Irish traveller
Wtf are those. I googled them once and they have super high rates of alcoholism, inbreeding, low education and low life expectancy. Are they nomadic white trash ?

5-10%. Enough multikulti to get ethnic food and foreign friends but not too much

It's white flight, it's not like they've been outbred.

I don't get this food meme
It's not like you can't just look up a dish on the internet and do it yourself or something

below 10%
but people from other races and religions below 2%

why are there so many Italians in German cities?

Do you guys interact with shitskins on a regular basis in towns like this one? Or you claim a central part of town and have your own school so it's full on apartheid

Those dishes aren't gonna wash themselves

>central part
certain part, ofc
Why would you need this shit at all

we're all yugoslavs

Attached: Capture.png (387x226, 16K)


Ingredients can be hard to find, and most people are too lazy to try to cook things that they aren't used to.

Attached: (316x586, 162K)

Salvini made me think milan was full of blacks and muslims

And it's beautiful

Attached: 20190203_153044.jpg (1023x1759, 390K)

why would Italians work in Germany in such menial jobs? Italy is a rich country

Depends on the city, I'm from Bradford and there's a lot of segregation

What is the difference between Serbs and Montenegrins? Are Serbs immigrants ?

Just like between French and Occitans

politics, no difference at all

So you don't interact with nonwhites in schools? Only in stores and you see them on the streets occasionally?

>Italy is a rich country

In my experience, yes
It might be different in somewhere like London

>no difference at all

Attached: what did you say white boi.jpg (220x269, 34K)

In Russia you live with churkas in one commieblock and then this happens Don't be like Russia.

All the menial jobs in Italy are already taken
And because saying "I work abroad (at a callcenter)" sounds better than "I work at a callcenter"

>Exterminated millions of innocent Abos into extinction

Look, we are not RACIST, we don't ask people about their race in the CENSUS! Black lives matter! Vote Labour!

>Houston today mirrors the US in five decades
Mexicans reclaiming their stolen clay, can't say we didn't have it coming.

Attached: Houston Population and Demographics.png (1444x617, 112K)

My city is a hamlet of about 85 people, 99% are Anglos descended from Loyalists and 1% are Acadiens.

Something I've always wondered about post-colonial nations, are Surinamese allowed to immigrate fairly simply because they were under the Dutch crown? I remember reading that it was that way for a while at least for Indians coming to the UK

no reliable census here so no one really knows. there's no foreigners, that's the only certain thing.

Any Canadian over 37 can move to the UK at will and there is another program for Canadians aged 18-31 that allows them to move to the UK

Basically any Canadian adult that isn't 32-36 can move to the UK whenever they want.

Oulu vuosikirja___/cf07d74d-f0ff-4a29-bb34-3d1863798da2

Kansalaisuus Luku (%)
Koko väestö 201 810 (100,0 %)
Suomi 195 942 (97,1 %)
Muu 5 868 (2,9 %)
Eurooppa 2 029 (34,6 %)
EU-maat (pl. Suomi) 1 217
Ruotsi 230 (SWEDEN)
Muut Euroopan maat (pl. Suomi) 812
Afrikka 911 (15,5 %)
Amerikka 257 (4,4 %)
Aasia ja Oseania 2 604 (44,4 %)
Muut 67 (1,1 %)
Yhteensä 5 738 (100,0 %)

Oulu is still 97.1% Finnish. I added (parentheses) for ease of reading.

>32-36 excluded
what a strange thing

Didnt know we had almost as many croats as turks

Attached: Screenshot_20190203-160437~2.png (1080x1987, 259K)

too many

Fuck off half churka subhuman