In Nazi Germany Benjamin Franklin would have been gassed for being a Freemason, Albert Einstein - for being a Jew...

In Nazi Germany Benjamin Franklin would have been gassed for being a Freemason, Albert Einstein - for being a Jew, Alan Turing for being gay, Kurt Godel for being a schizophreniac, Stephen Hawking for being a cripple.

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In Communist Russia they all would have been gassed for demographic engineering.

In nazi germany most Soviet citizens would've been gassed for being slavshit subhumans.

holy shit BASED

In modern America Benjamin Franklin would be gassed for being a white male, Albert Einstein for not liking the Chinese, Alan Turing for having sex with minors, Kurt Godel for believing in God

Stephen Hawking would be fine but fuck that guy

wtf i like nazi germany now

Wrong, slavs were considered 100% aryans. Also best german general Manstein was polish slav.

Model was better than Manstein

Albert Einstein objectively made the world worse so I would be okay with that.