Why y'all listen to this gay shit
Why y'all listen to this gay shit
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It's funny that all the people in poo music videos have light skin but most poos are ugly shitskins.
>less than 30k subs until they are larger than pewdiepie
also RARE
its those damned farsis, they keep putting gay and basic white people on the big screens
Don't you want fellow Indians to overtake a mediocre Swedish memetuber?
I'd rather have the pakis take back bengal and cuck us till we're white
the only reason hes been up because of bangladeshi click farms botting for pewds because we hate india
We don't, only pajeets listen to it. Which is why wh*tes are freaking out about this. More and more minorities are encroaching their safe space
>because we hate india
Based. They're the worst of the shitskins.
> wh*tes are freaking out about this. More and more minorities are encroaching their safe space
do you have your facts right?
wojizky is getting logged by the ceo of tseries, thats the entire reason why they have been able to do the shit they did