I'd better alienate the British

>I'd better alienate the British
>I'd better alienate the Americans
>I'd better alienate the Russians despite already being allies with them
>I'd better rely on the Austrians
>I'd better rely on the Turks
>I'd better rely the Italians
Did Wilhelm do even a single thing right?

Attached: 220px-Kaiser_Wilhelm_II_of_Germany_-_1902.jpg (220x317, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>I'd better alienate the British
>>I'd better alienate the Americans
>>I'd better alienate the Russians despite already being allies with them
>>I'd better rely on the Austrians
>>I'd better rely on the Turks
>>I'd better rely the Italians

He was retarded, everybody knows it.
Should just have an heroed.

wasn't "Wilhelm ii all bad" narrative so fucking exaggerated? i've heard his power was highly restricted and the vast majority of the Ministry of diplomacy and bureaucracy had the same opinions as his?

>>I'd better alienate the British
By daring to have colonies. This is a mortal sin indeed.
>>I'd better alienate the Americans
How? He did nothing to you
>>I'd better alienate the Russians despite already being allies with them
Good Fuck Russia
>>I'd better rely on the Austrians
>>I'd better rely on the Turks
>>I'd better rely the Italians
It was a mistake

Gott straffe es!

It's the usual Anglo denial. Everybody is evil except them.

not really
his power regarding internal affairs was limited by the constitution and the elected parliament but his power on foreign affairs was very extensive
and obviously it were the decisions on foreign policy that brought about WW1
and he was a massive retard so...

>here is my map of Africa, here his France and here is Russia and we are in the middle
- Otto von Bismark
>I know let's completely ignore the fact that we're overwhelmingly a continental power with very few overseas interests and build a massive navy because battleships make my peepee hard
- Alfred von Tirpitz

Bloody hell Nigel, how dare other people sail. Setting on sea should be an Anglo monopoly.

In ideological terms, sure, Germany had a right to build anything it wanted. But in practical terms, Germany had no possible use for a navy that powerful except fucking with Britain.

So why did the US built a giantic fleet?

Because they had and have overseas enemies.

>Wilhelm actively tried to alientate the British and Americans
Other way around sweetie, the British and Americans actively tried to isolate Germany. Ever since the late 1890s Wilhelm started writing about his immense hatred for Edward VII because he purposely isolated Germany by sabotaging her relations with her neighbors in the east, in Scandinavia and in the low countries.
Read 'The Guns of August' before you say something else retarded.

That was Bismarck. When Kaiser Willy came to power the alliance system was already pretty much laid out.


Like the brits?

Everyone who thinks Wilhelm II was a retard is a retard themselves for falling for 100 year old propaganda. Wilhelm wasn't the greatest king to ever live but the majority of the problems prescribed to him were out of his power to fix.

We're an island nation and had a massive overseas empire, therefore a fleet is absolutely necessary.

Germany knew a war was brewing with Britain ever since the late 1890s and the British knew likewise. Are you trying to say that building a navy was not the most practical action to take for a country that knew it was destined to go to war with a naval superpower?

I meant were the brits the enemies of the usa?

The US is effectively an island because our neighbors are too weak to affect us, so like Britain, we needed a fleet to meaningfully interact with the world. Germany didn't. Also see: Japan.

No, we've always striven to be best friends since 1812.


Germans were fucking autists

also is it true Kaiser was a closet homo who loved bears

Can't remember the last time an accusation backed by no actual evidence held up in court.

Making a hypothetical plan doesn't mean we were even close to war at any point.

>Choose Austria= impossible sustainable alliance with Russia and Italy.
>Not sort out problems with France=France would remove hell and earth to pick allies against you
>Be too strong and refuse to be a docile cuck= the eternal anglo will balance the shit out if your power
>Wherever the jew and the anglo goes= the amerifat follows (for a very nice assistance comission)

Not seeing this=retardation and wishful thinking.

No, but it does reflect the status of our relationship. No government has ever drawn up a hypothetical war plan just for fun, they've done it in response to relations going downhill.

i wish germany and france could've been frens and we could've had a tripartite alliance.
We would've been unstoppable

Governments do that all the time. The US had war plans for every other great power at the time, and for things like how to annex Canada.

The annexation of Canada was part of War Plan Red.
Do you have proof of any other war plans that were drawn up for shits and giggles and not due to a deterioration of relations?

>How? He did nothing to you
Yeah, he just told our neighbor that we were currently on bad terms with to invade us, not really a big deal

Allying with Austria was correct for it was the closest to Germany in all regards and the most reliable ally. Russia had to be weakened because it was going to become too powerful and could (and did) turn into a great danger. Italy was a sideshow, tho Wilhelm should've urged Austria to work out some deal with Italy to keep them neutral or friendly. France was gonna be asshurt anyway. Britain wasn't only suspicious towards Germany, they were also rivals to Russia in Central Asia and to France in Africa and Southeast Asia. Germany should've done everything to keep good relations with Britain, the US and all the small/weak states that had future potential (Ottoman Empire, Persia, China). Also Germany + Austria should've simply played defensively, nobody would've dared attack Germany without a strong alliance (which wouldn't have formed without Germany's aggression).

>here's rare footage of Wilhelm circa 1919

Attached: 1549216988388[1].webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

It's not just for shits and giggles, it's a "just in case" scenario and an exercise to improve planning in general.
There are plans here to steal Portuguese colonies, conquer Central America, occupy Iceland, and other dumb shit they knew they wouldn't actually do.

Attached: Empires.png (1474x620, 40K)

British forgery

peak /fug/

He only did that because America was supplying Britain and had, for all intents and purposes, already joined the Entente.
Say something else retarded.

>we have to stop germany guys they're trying to take over the world!!

Attached: 1548895051653.jpg (400x388, 31K)

why couldn't Brits and Germans just get together?
Couldn't you use your mutual hatred of France to fuck them up for good and completely shared Yurop among yourselves?

>tfw no Brit German alliance

What could have been...

Attached: Anglo-German Union.png (1280x640, 61K)

Because Wilhelm II and his enablers were stupid.

that looks badass

fucking neat

>ship so much material to britain and france that we're basically bankrolling the entente
>grr why were the germans so aggressive
fuck off

He had his flaws, but he did do one thing right that Hitler didn't realise: The angloid can not be trusted. And is the greatest enemy of europa together with the eternal amerimutt.

If Hitler had known this, he wouldn't have tried to ally with the bongs against our Russian brothers and he would have won WW2

Attached: 1547816250310.jpg (723x1024, 117K)

Ewwww, a lot of wishful thinking there. All of the colonial rivalries between France, UK and Russia could be fixed. They were secondary to the main problem of Germany growing too strong. US was never going to side with you after UK and France form the Entente. The Atlantic relationship in terms of trade, financial schemes, bonds and affinities un terms of history, culture, tea and baguettes made it unthinkable. Also you could not have played defense as the Entente, and Russia in particular thanks to french and british investments in their economy (which ironically ended up playing a role in the bolshevik uprising due to the virtual dominatión of russian industry by anglo-french capital) were growing stronger as time went by and were meant to overtake you. And finally Germán economy as every other modern economy was transitioning to an industry model that requieres more thanks just coal and iron. Which meant resources from overseas for your industry.

By the time Kaiser Willy came to power, Bismarck had already set up a hard as fuck to win scenario for Germany. There were only 2 choices; a) sit down in the table and accept to be a cuck of the freemason powers, accepting that your economic growth and resources supplies would be provided for and supervised by them or b) fuck them all and go full spead ahead bro and gamble for a victorious war before it was too late to even try.

I wonder whose worse guys, the jew or the amerimutt? Is there even a difference these days?

Attached: USA.jpg (279x318, 36K)

Are you retarded?
We wanted them to become our ally to prevent you from joining the entente
Brits showed it to you in a form that it's seems like we would want them to invade you

Rich coming from a Belgian

Germany was a mistake.

Attached: germany-problem1.png (350x530, 20K)

Yes, the almighty and greatest nation of the world "The kingdom of Belgium" is responsible for the implementation of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan! The U.S.A. is absolutely 100% innocent!

Are mutts completely braindead? or merely pretending?

Attached: 3bMLrz4.png (1600x1200, 79K)

He did absolutely nothing wrong.
He's also pretty relatable as a person.

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We wanted a navy to keep Japan in it's place because they were interested in our pacific colonies

>no u

>it's this faggot again

Attached: general.png (1106x830, 690K)

Watch yourself Hun, I'm not afraid of cracking open by 3GB folder of dead Germans

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Everything outside of Europe doesn't matter, reminder that the Germans though that an island the size of a small town in Europe was worth more than several provinces in Africa.


Attached: 1530191696001.jpg (643x634, 236K)

isn't it beautiful?

Fuck off, antisemite. Germany is the worst thing to have ever happened.

Attached: downloadfile-16.jpg (600x455, 51K)

>gets called out for being completely obsessed
>doubles down

Attached: snap1.gif (498x365, 3.19M)

We exchanged Helgoland for Sansibar, that's one island for one island


Attached: 1530440283827.png (800x660, 272K)

that's one of the few non-shit places in africa tho.
Worth way more than some north sea island with nothing but bird shit


Attached: Average Brazilian.webm (198x360, 1.75M)

they still haven't gotten over the fact they've been SUEZed

>Did Wilhelm do even a single thing right?

He was basically a female leader
>decisions based on emotion
>decisions are dumb
>act irrationaly and still feel like a self righteous cunt afterwards

it was...
yeah but Helgoland is German land with Germans on it and we wanted to have that

>at belgium
you're almost pitiful. Almost.

Attached: smug2.png (2000x2000, 1.37M)

I love how your own creation has become the greatest source of Britbong butthurt

Attached: get fucked britbongs.jpg (596x567, 67K)

kek this is legit argument
one can argue britain lost more in world wars than germany did

modern world used to be made out of britain and germany with france lagging behind
after world wars world became american and russia, and now after cold war world seems to be america and china, with russia trying to restore itself in the mix

meanwhile today's britain and germany are in the same category as serbia when it comes to world affairs, armies non existent like serbia, navy non existent like serbia, and economy based on production of fidget spinners and other shit that doesnt really matter, certainly no weapons sector, space sector, no strategic research or development or anything, just trivial irrelevant ways to make brown people feel better and consume

>it was...
no one could've stopped us...

Attached: empires1.png (1474x620, 36K)

That was my original point, a square foot of Europe was worth more than many kilometres outside it, and therefore isn't nearly as unbalanced as pretends.

>tfw no occidental triple against the barbarians of the east and unruly colonials

Aryan blood comes at a great cost

Attached: anglos.jpg (650x433, 135K)

>today's britain and germany are in the same category as serbia when it comes to world affairs
This really is quite delusional. Germany is more or less leader of the EU, and is fourth largest economy in the world. The UK is marginally less relevant, though we still retain a permanent seat on the UN security council, and conduct international military operations. Further, the UK also has nuclear weapons which makes us more or less untouchable in any standard international conflict.
As for our armies, those of both Britain and Germany are nothing compared to what they once were, but are still some of the most powerful when compared to those of most other nations.

if only...

>the UK also has nuclear weapons which makes us more or less untouchable
O really?

Attached: bongland.jpg (4397x3177, 2.25M)

Yes, seethe little Nazi, the anglos are out to get you woooooooOOOOooooo!

no one in Britain cares about belgium lol

>Everybody is evil except them.

But that's true

>in any standard international conflict.
Jow Forumstard reading comprehension, everybody.

>one can argue britain lost more in world wars than germany did
>implying we didn't turn into a US puppet state
Germany and UK both lost everything

>no one in Britain cares about belgium lol
why so seething then?

This is a tired meme that needs to die

>live in filthy autocratic societies with no rights given to the common man, and usually practise out right slavery, quite happy to through millions into the grinder to conquer scraps of land
>live in societies with parliaments and other checks to tyrannical power, ban slavery, invent voting and haven't aggressively attacked another civilised nation in 500 years

The EU means that EU member states are not US puppets

why is this Belgin so obsessed with anglo that he has so many pics of them? tsundere?

>haven't aggressively attacked another civilised nation in 500 years

Attached: MY FUCKING SIDES.jpg (200x200, 35K)

lol mate i'm not seething
You must honestly be the most hostile poster on this board lmao, every time anything about the uk ever comes up, I can expect to see a Belgian flag arrive to shit up the thread

Attached: that expression.png (645x773, 11K)

I'm thirsting for revenge against their betrayal of europe.

Attached: 1547819114662.jpg (827x529, 276K)

Very based and correct post

I don't know considering we had to save his non country twice

It's what you deserve filthy jew enabler

Attached: gott strafe england 2.jpg (475x515, 56K)

Why do you Germans have to ruins everything?

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