Redpill me on immigrating to the US

Redpill me on immigrating to the US.
I'd like the freedom to keep and bear arms.
I'd also like the freedom to smoke weed. I'm not a total pothead, i just want the freedom. It also helps me with my chronic pains.
Freedoms i do not and will never enjoy in my country, or anywhere else in europe.

What are gun laws for non-citizens like?
Which US states will afford me both the freedoms i want, while not being filled with insufferable people?

Picture nearly almost related but not quite.

Attached: La luz.png (640x443, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Alaska

Can't you have guns relatively easily in Norway though?

Based on my personal experiences. Texas in the Austin area is the friendliest place i have ever been, but unfortunately texas drug laws are regressive.
Colorado drug laws are approriate, and as far as i understood them the gun laws are not too restrictive, but the people unfriendly and it's as cold as here.

>low taxes especially on property
>very nice and reasonable gun laws
>middle of the East Coast, perfect for traveling (Reagan and Dulles airports can fly direct to most places)
>low gas prices
>close to Washington DC
>get cheap and good weed from DC as well

A non-citizen can have them easier in most states of the US than a citizen can in Norway. I think.
Here I'd have to keep them dismantled and under lock. I.e. completely useless for self protection.
I would need a "good reason" to own them, and go through tons of government bureaucracy if i want anything other than a hunting rifle.
Our government has decided to conform to EU regulations so most rifles are gonna be b& if they aren't already.
Handguns i don't think are legal at all.

>>close to Washington DC
>>get cheap and good weed from DC as well
Will any non-legal state give a shit if i buy from a legal state and bring it there?
I'd be a migrant for the first 5 years until citizenship so i have to be more careful than you to avoid any trable.


In amerikkka you risk being shot at by a cop by just staring at him so I wouldn't take any chances

>but the people unfriendly and it's as cold as here.
Wrong. t. been through Colorado.

Nice people, sure some cali types flooded Denver but its still good.

Colorado is like the bastion of freedom in America. You can get guns,weed and soon schrooms. Theres lots of white people and they are all healthy since theres an outdoor scene that is heavy there.

I plan on going back to visit their Dunes.

I know the PERFECT place for you,_Alaska
Fresh seafood, hunting, libertarian gun and weed laws

I never did experience much other than Denver.

Are you saying other cities will be nicer, like Springs and Fort Collins?
Or do i just gotta stay out of central Denver when looking human beings.

Depends on the state. In Texas they’re pretty lax. You only need a license for concealed carry or some specific guns. You can open carry any gun here, and own a shotgun without any paperwork. Same for some assault rifles too.

when looking for*

I actually had a friend who lived in Juneau.
The people there drove her crazy. Like, the people are all cartoonish political stereotype crazy, and due to its remoteness everything is expensive and shitty.
I also hate cold so Alaska is like, nah m8.


The bigger cities in America attract douches.

fuck off we don’t need more right-wingers

>Redpill me on immigrating to the US


Go to the South.
>I'd like the freedom to keep and bear arms.
Thats pretty much everywhere in the USA except big cities like Chicago
>I'd also like the freedom to smoke weed. I'm not a total pothead, i just want the freedom. It also helps me with my chronic pains.
You can pretty easily get weed everywhere in the USA, even if it isn't legal.
>Which US states will afford me both the freedoms i want, while not being filled with insufferable people?
This eliminates Northeast, West Coast and Austin, Texas.
>things to keep in consideration
Do you like the cold or would you prefer it being warm?
>do you want it to be state with good cuisine
If so, South is the place.
>do you want a homogeneous state
If so, Midwest is the best
>do you want to be somewhere in the "wild"
Try Montana


>This eliminates Northeast, West Coast and Austin, Texas.
Are you sure?
Austin seemed filled with only nice people to me.
Note i don't particularly care about the college liberal type since i'm not going there to study.

It's hard to immigrate here legally, so bear that in mind

Compared to the rest of Texas, Austin is fucking trash

The entire rest of Texas must be an absolute 11/10 then.

I'm aware. I need to get am employer to sponsor me.

What job opportunities do you have?

I'm a computer engineer with a master's and 5 years of experience, so i believe i should be able to find a job anywhere with tech jobs.
Which should be literally any state that isn't... idk... Wyoming?