Ure eurobean countrye

>Ure eurobean countrye
>Why havent you gone to bed yet
I have to go to class tomorrow where i dont have any friends and i'm wildly unpopular. The weekends are my only peace, so im staying up to make it feel longer

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I'm a neet, I don't have a schedule

This post makes me feel sad.

I'm sorry you have it like this.

Go to sleep.

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At least he is rich so whatever

>I have to go to class tomorrow where i dont have any friends
Same, lol

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I have classes tomorrow and i cant stand most people there, so i try stay up as much as possible to chill

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I will find you, and I will add you.

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Going to pull an all nighter

i'll consider it

Find me where?

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Uhhh, I don't know...

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I feel you op. I hate the weekdays.I wish I was a NEET

Have you ever been to the UK?

Or dead

Hmmm, I see

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Wow. Why are you cuddling that pillow?

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been to london and coventry

>be me
>wake up at 8am
>go to college for a few hours
>go home
>shitpost on Jow Forums until 2am
>fall asleep

It's workday tomorrow and if I go sleep now, I wake up to work faster.

I actually sleep with a few pillows, I usually just hug one of them because I sleep better that way

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That's gay. I thought you were thinking of me again...

Because I end up
>staying up for hours because of dry coughing
>waking up multiple times throughout the night because of night sweats

I'm going to make it my life's work to eradicate all fucking microorganisms on the planet, even the beneficial ones

I'll call it the Great Autoclaving

it's too hot to sleep

How is it gay? It's comfy
>pillows are cool when it's hot in your room
>pillows are warm when you open a window and it's cold

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i just woke up

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I hug mine but it gets very hot!


Are they dakimuras?

I'm a NEET, I have nothing to wake up for. Literally and figuratively.

Change it with other pillows from time to time
No, they are small, the ones I use for hugging are a bit smaller than the ones I put my head on

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haven't left the house in months


I love you

Too bad

sorry for responding to youre thrad as a non euro but we are in the exact same situation op

I took a shower and going to sleep now, good night

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nice airsoft guns

I'm going

dope flag
dope guns
cringy anime