do americans really wear shoes in shower
Do americans really wear shoes in shower
not american but
if it's a communal shower, yeah obviously you should.
No, you should wear slippers
holy shit RARE
I take my showers fully clothed. It's best to wash your clothes and body at the same time.
This. Gotta lower the water bill
Is it true Americans always have sex with their cowboy hats on?
Only on sundays
serious answer: a small minority of people have shower shoes and wear them
Wha is a shower shoe? we use flip flops.
They're flip flops.
Same and I smoke, eat breakfast and shit there too.
they wear shoes in toilet as well
And wear them while changing socks. They are also researching how to put shoes on infants while still in the womb.
I wear flip flops
We actually wear water shoes over our shoes in the shower so our normal shoes don't get wet
You do you user
with socks?
do americans really wear their outdoor shoes indoors?
I think its relatively normal to have an indoor-only pair of shoes you wear around the house, but I'm curious if the memes are real about outdoor shoes
I unironically do this.
That's Japanese. Different slippers for toilet room.
What happens if it was raining/snowing outside? Do you just wipe them off at the door and walk on in?
what do russian do
Same slippers for all rooms.
Then why not call it flip flops??? My sides lol at this interaction
American here. Can confirm.
sadly a lot of americans do, especially older generations. i dont think it is a majority, probably 10-30% do this