One (1)chance at life

>one (1)chance at life
> not born as alain delon
how do i cope?

Attached: 1e390187f414b9d9ee9599125d77b691.jpg (500x751, 48K)

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i've found that only gay guys actually think this phenotype is attractive, w*men do not

Attached: f31300a81666a8b37f4ba59e3c0cca85--pepe-the-frog-slug.jpg (236x208, 9K)

his sexual history proves otherwise

Attached: download (4).jpg (194x260, 6K)

Attached: alain_delon.jpg (768x869, 114K)

why yes i started smoking partly because he's smoking

by seeing him now

Attached: Largue-par-Sarkozy-Alain-Delon-votera-pour-Juppe(1) (1).jpg (480x318, 42K)

yeah but hes like 80 now

Dude he fucked like billions of girls.
Guy was so handsome back in his prime that even now he's quoted as a hunk despite being an old fart

Heh, probably the best looking man of his age

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