Europeans have beaches where everyone walks around completely naked

>Europeans have beaches where everyone walks around completely naked

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and whats wrong with that

Turkey is European

Yep, but you have to be naked to go there.
I personally find it gross, imagine all the naked old people you would encounter, ew.

So do burgers.

What if someone gets a boner

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yea its called nudist beach
easily countered by the perfect body teen there with their parents who you cant rape but only because its illegal

You have to stay in the water till things cool down a bit. alternatively, stick it in the sand.
Protip: if you're afraid of spontaneous erections on the nude beach, then don't don't play water polo with cute grills.

Yeah apparently a lot of the people there are 50+.

Not usually an issue. I'm gay af and haven't gotten hard when skinny dipping with hot guys.

Europeans aren’t animals. We can control ourselves.

>turks can't look at some tits without getting a boner


People who go there are too old to get a boner.

Europeans are gay so it's not possible unless there were plenty of men around.

You have to fuck, otherwise you are deported to Turkey

>Says the German who raped and pillaged his way through Europe in the 40's
Guess it doesn't count as rape as long as they're slavs though, right?

Thank God there are none in Turkey. I don't want to guess whether Mehmet is more hairy than Ceyla

That's because we have a e s t h e ti c bodies that we don't need to be ashamed of.

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Wish we had too.

(You) are legally obligated to fugg the first person who smiles at (You)

This, burkinis are a blessing, imagine a 300 lbs hairy Turkish bull mama ruining your day on the beach by running around naked.

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No, it is customary to buy the passive person a drink first and then fuck in the dressing booth or in the dunes. Most beaches don't accept public fornication for whatever reasons.

People who go to these beaches are either so old they need drugs to get a boner or they have gone there so much that they are desensitized to the female naked body.
You should be more worried about people photographing or filming you while you are naked on the beach.

they legally require it tho

It is over.

I've been to one in French st.martten it's all old people and children

No, most regular or private nude beaches wont accept sex in public. Those are nice family places where you can relax, catch some rays, swim and enjoy the pleasure of feeling the wind and sun on your skin.
The orgy beaches you dream of don't exist, or maybe on some hardcore gay beach in gran canaria you can get fucked in the ass like a dog in public, but that got nothing to do with innocent FKK beaches.

They'd probably need Viagra

got pics?

>go on a nudist beach
>its full with old german subhumans

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(old) people from all over europe are coming to our naturist campings

We had a nudist restaurant in Paris but it closed down

>Says the mutt who killed and raped millions of indians only to deport them in small ass reservates with little to no rights
I guess those filthy natives don't count as humans, eh?

Americans didn't kill millions of indians. American didn't exist at the time

They were Europeans who did it though

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>(((Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines))))
Gotta love YouTube.

But the ancestors of the american people did that. We can also say that not the BRD did commit the Shoa, it was the 3rd Reich

a reference book on germany at my school library was kind enough to include a two page image of fat old naked germans on one of their beaches to represent the european peculiarity with nude beaches

even though their tits are saggy, I still want to touch them...

Why do you need to learn about nudist beaches in europe

>We had a nudist restaurant in Paris but it closed down

it was a book on the country, anything from population statistics, government, cultural makeup, purchasing habits, etc. etc. etc.

I agree it could have done without a two page spread of elephant seals

That's a given

t. low test yuropoor who is glad that he is being replaced by Somalis

I would imagine that nude beaches should not be a problem in Arabic countries, as long as men and women are separated. It is not about sex at all, but the completly opposite. Arabs men hold hands together.

>without a two page spread of elephant seals
top fucking kek

>old people and children

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Actually no.
There are many closeted gays here. I'm not sure if it's because men and women are separated their entire life but there's enough of them that you can see frequently if you go around. You can usually tell who is closeted in high school where they grab other guys' asses/enjoy getting their asses grabbed, after that they get good at hiding it.
Either way, there's a silent part of the Arab gulf population that will never come out of the closet.

I've been on a nudist beach in France (I wasn't nude, just walked through it) and it's strange because you don't give a fuck if everyone is nude

Yeah I've run into an event where there were a hundred or so people streaking and running naked into a river, and nobody seemed to care that dicks, boobs, and balls were flopping around

They're still around? Even with all the Turks, Nafris, and Somalis?

t. poo education

You're one to talk, isn't your country mostly South Asian now?

shut the fuck up D*noid

will qts laugh at me when i get a boner i front of them.

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Yeah, but we preserve our culture and Nationality to ourselves.
The only people who can be considered citizens are the natives who've been here from the start. Anyone else is an expat who is just living here temporarily.
Preserving our culture is encouraged, not antagonized and we don't give citizenship for free like Europe does.
The difference is, Emiratis will always be Emirati, where as swedes and Germans will soon be an unknown mix of African/Arab/European.

aren't there a shit ton of emirati-slavic mutts around in your country

Thing is 90% of people are mediocre to unsightly to look at naked, and the other 10% don't visit nude beaches.

>go to beach
>little girls running around naked

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culture of backwards camelfuckers


Obviously real people don't look like supermodels, but the thing is probably that most people at those beaches are 50+.

>anyone I don't like is backwards
Have you lost your pacifier somewhere before posting this?

No just germans

France has topless beaches though doesn't it?