You're cunt

>you're cunt
>how's your hairline?

starting to recede

Attached: hair_scalp_s8_male_hair_loss.jpg (493x335, 34K)

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Perfectly fine, my family members are rarely bald

I’m more concerned about my ugly fucking face

Attached: tfw psor.jpg (500x500, 115K)

I'm 25, mine's also receding. However, I've been using Rogaine and that seems to have either slowed or halted my hairline's regression.

TBQH I don't care anymore. I have a girlfriend and my hairline's been stuck at about the same stage for the past couple years. If it gets much worse, I'll just go to Turkey and Mexico and drop a couple grand for a transplant.

It's been receeding for like 4 or 5 years and I was really depressed by it
But then I discovered a giant bald spot on the top of my head and the receding hairline became the least of my problems. I'm going to end up looking like a medieval monk in a few years

It might not be receding but it looks like this odd mix of piss and barbwire which is fucking worse tbqh

Attached: mujahid.jpg (1080x1536, 525K)

Attached: 38543632-limpieza-usados-visi%C3%B3n-macro-de-alambre.jpg (1300x863, 167K)

It really does look like this

I'm only 20 but I've always had a crooked hairline so I don't know if it's receding or it's just my hairline.

People used to call me microphone in real life
this is nothing

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