Be me

>Be me
>Be working in southern China for a Chinese company as a trade specialist and English-language accounts manager
>Have a relationship with a local woman who is related to a provincial party official
>She threatens to report me to the police as a spy if I break up with her and have me sent to prison
>"Oh, no need for that, let's stay together!"
>I wait until she visits her university friends in Hong Kong and immediately go to the airport after taking some stuff from our apartment after work
>Immediately buy a seat on the first plane out of the country to a destination that doesn't require a visa in advance for US passport-holders
>Fly to Dhaka, Bangladesh
>Feel paranoid until the plane lands that it will return to China, and I'll be arrested and sent to Chinese rape prison
>Spend a couple days in Dhaka before flying to Heathrow and then back to the US
>Currently staying with my mom until I rent an apartment here

Welp. China is getting scarier for westerners, bros. I think the Huawei stuff is going to cause problems. Among other things.

Attached: 巨型深海水曱甴西貢.jpg (1641x749, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:

white piggu will be crushed and china will go larger

Proof or didn't happen. I want screenshots of the itinerary or at least pictures of the boarding passes or the stamps in your passport.

So you ran away, just like a spy would do? Now they're definitely going to think you're a spy. You'll have to look over your back for the rest of your life. One day, when China gets stronger, they might start doing what the Russians have been doing for years and hunt you down to assassinate you. What's the Chinese version of Novichok agent?

>Implying chineses are dumb enough to blindly trust a woman's words

Protip: they didn't become the second most important country on Earth by behaving like beheaded chickens.

>have one outlandish experience with a weirdo
>hey guys, all of China is getting weird guys!

Get a load of this wanker

Are you that gigachad that cucks chink women

t. CCP member

If life has taught me one thing is to never, ever, ever trust a chink

I'll give my trust to a fucking albanian rat before giving it to a chink

>when China gets stronger
looks like he’ll be fine then huh

>not Canadian
>thinks anyone gives a shit

How tight was her vagina?

These posts are based on fear and racism. Fear that an unfamiliar race is about to become a true superpower.

but china will not become a superpower. It’s economy is too reliant on external powers

Have they ever arrested someone from america? I think they only do it to cuck countries like Canada

They arrested LiAngello ball for shoplifting and Trump had to bail him out

Keep telling yourself that. The words of an opium peddler are less than meaningless.

okay chink. you know it’s true though
you’ll never be a superpower under a pseudo communist regime

I'm just kidding, I know I'm talking to a pajeet.

>She threatens to report me to the police as a spy if I break up with her and have me sent to prison
Losing your shit over some shitty empty threats

Attached: 1542018222904.png (565x396, 142K)

There physically isn't enough resources on this planet to lift all 1.5 billion Chinese to western standards of living. Also once Chinese wages rise enough, all western companies will drop China and start using India as their factory.

Everyone in China is a fucking weirdo unless they've spent time out of their shithole bubble.

Nope, but were i indian, what would it change?
I hope you’re at least getting paid for this lol

Also anyone who's been there will confirm they severely punish false reports.

>Risking it and getting sent to a fuck-me-in-the-ass commie gulag, where Big Bubba Chong sodomises you every night with his Big Chinese Cock (5inches)

新年快乐 bros

>be in china for internship
>meet chinese guy
>watch tv together
>the senkaku islands shit was going on
>he turns to me
>"I want to make war to japan and die for china"

Attached: 1486138170334.jpg (900x850, 226K)

>Provincial party official is willing to risk his head by initiating an international incident with a major western country just because his niece or something like that is mad she can't get the BLC (big laowai cock) anymore
This guy would be massively retarded

>Becoming the factory of the world

lol no. Now that they are sending codemonkeys to the US by the hundred of thousand, they think they are too good for manufacturing.
You would have more chance betting on countries lifted out of poverty by the power of China like Ethiopia.