How do eastern Europeans call these kinds of buildings?

How do eastern Europeans call these kinds of buildings?

Attached: sweden.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)


Idk about europeans but in russia we sall it:
Panelka ( any panel house )
Khruschevka, Brezhnevka, Stalinka ( by the era in which these buildings were made )
Novostroika ( if new )
And lately zoomers started to call these commieblocks

>Khruschevka, Brezhnevka, Stalinka ( by the era in which these buildings were made )
are there differences?

daugiabučiai = literally 'multi-flats'

stanovanjski bloki (apartment blocks)

Big ceiling height
Thick brick walls
No or bad elevators
5 floors
Bad elevators
Thin brick walls
Very ugly outside
9 floors
Killer primitive elevators
Frequent gas explosions

Attached: 0f3bed14e4.jpg (782x640, 142K)

Stambena zgrada - Residential building

lmao what the fuck is wrong with this autistic Greek, you make threads about Sweden every day

>Thin brick walls
Most of them are also panels. It's the later "better" series, which are made from bricks.

Attached: hrushchevki-spb.jpg (900x601, 189K)

Basically opposite. First versions was from bricks.

No normal person discusses topics like this, you're all mentally ill. Seek help

Bloc (Romanian)
Panel (Hungarian)
Shithole (American English)


are you this poster by chance?

Attached: romanian_post.png (514x139, 6K)

or this?

Attached: honest_romanian_post.png (531x108, 6K)

paneelmaja (panel house)

i hurt his feelings in a thread one week ago

Attached: Athens12.png (1024x1200, 2.68M)

Attached: sweden.png (1000x563, 1.57M)

are those Greeks?

german tourists

Attached: germans.png (940x529, 1.4M)

look, turks just like you

Attached: athenstijuana.png (1000x1223, 1.24M)

they are swedes. am i nordic now?

in your dreams

Attached: äcklig turk.png (500x501, 314K)

but you told me i look swedish

That's what your brain has cooked up again.

see i look more swedish than you

shut the fuck up already
why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Those zoomers are pretty clever

>Look at him trying to be clever

why dont you?

im more intelligent than you

If you were, you wouldn't feel the need to constantly say it. You're so insecure it laughable.

Attached: c47.png (780x620, 18K)

Panelak-panel house


Kralikarna-rabbit hutch

sometimes I think he's joking but he's too persistent
it's kinda strange, there are actual psychos using this site frequently

let us make an online iq test
i will win and you will get btfo

Yeah I've visited r9k. Ikibey clearly has some sort of personality disorder.

common mates, have you never encountered basic trolling in your life?

Swedes > Greeks any day of the week desu

50% albanian
25% iranian
10% turk
5% nafri
10% various non whites

will you tell me what kind of arab you are?

Jesus Christ i wonder what's worse. A half Romanian-Hungarian, Half Romanian-gypsy or a combination of Romanian-Hungarian-Gypsy

add some slav to the mix

So Romanians from the North then

>there are actual psychos using this site frequently
There was some Iranian-American that was clearly nuts.