Lets get to the bottom of this! Explain this height meme

I keep seeing people complain about women that only want 6 foot tall (182.88 cm) men. Why haven't I met any of these women that only date 6ft tall men?

I'm 5'9" (5'10" with shoes on) Average height for men. I've never felt short. No one has ever called me short. When I'm out socializing most people are shorter than me. Nothing is out of reach for me. I'm usually the one that grabs stuff off of the top shelves for other customers when I'm grocery shopping. I looked at pictures I took last weekend at a party and everyone is shorter than me or off the same height.

When I meet other people taller than me I hardly notice. I never felt handicapped or inadequate while playing sports. A guy that's 6 feet tall is only half a head taller than me. I still make eye to eye contact with the guy without having to tilt my head up.

No girl I've dated has made comments about my height the tallest one was 5-7, tall for a woman and just about at height with me but still shorter.

When I was growing up I never really seen kids get teased about their height, it was a rare comment. I never witnessed short guys being turned down by the girls for their height since I distinctly remember a few of my shorter class mates having girlfriends. Most of my family are women and none of them ever mention height as a requirement for the men they date. As an adult I see plenty of short men married and with kids.

I'm not denying that height discrimination might happen but I've never encountered it in real life and it sounds more like a made up problem that people use to vilify other people.

I think this is less about women and more about insecure men that can't get women so they're instead choosing to project their problems on to women.

Is it just a meme that has gotten out of control?

Are these men (and women) simply intimidated by taller guys?

Has this affected your dating life?

What's the consensus here?

Also sate your height please.

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i am 170 cm
i do not have a dating life

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Manlets, when will they ever learn?

I'll go out on a limb and say it's from lack of trying rather than your lack of height.

You’re not short, you’re average. Not tall doesn’t mean short.

Yes it’s somewhat of a meme because 6’ is just a nice round number. Not many people could eyeball 6’ without a point of reference.

It’s not so much about getting rejected but more about opportunities you never even had.

I’m 5’5”. People OPs height say “See, no one cares about height, nothing bad has happened to me” until you see an actual short person. I’m 30 and get called kid, I see high school student towering over me, it’s hard to give off authority at work, and most women do not even look when I enter a room.

i am 165 cm
i want to kill myself

>it’s hard to give off authority at work, and most women do not even look when I enter a room.

I've had short bosses in pretty much every job I've had including the ones with manual labor. No one has ever disregarded their authority. Funny enough the only two boss I ever had issues were the two tall guys because they were as dumb as a box of rocks.

Dude I'm a decent looking guy and not short and 9/10 times people don't look at me when I enter a room.

I'm 168 cms but my best friend is like 155 cms so I feel tall kek

I'm 6'4 and I want a tall qt amazon gf, unfortunately all the women i see are 5'10 or shorter :/

6ft tall women are super rare ,you're stuck with the short stacks.

Fuck, that just sucks, i dont want a woman i can break, i want one that can break me, maybe ill get a fat chick or something.

I'm 5'8 and aside from the odd tinder profile never experienced it

My boss is like 5'6 and people respect him

I like tall women too at least ones that are my height at 5'9" or 10" and even then good desirable ones are are hard to find. The percentage of women at or over 6ft is 1% which is only 1.5 million women in the U.S. out of out population of 325.7 million. lol If you want to be broken you should get a woman that's a dom instead of one that's stretched too wide or tall.

well it is a Jow Forums meme for the most part
though i have met women that wanted like 6'1 +, they were also tragicomically single

I'm 175cm and literally never felt uncomfortable about my height or withheld from certain ''tall'' privileges, we're oftentimes considered the tallest country in the world while I myself never felt that, whether it may be an unconscious projection or not I just happen to see plenty short people of my own height on a daily basis and feel completely confident with myself without forcing any positive thought, it were in fact Jow Forums memes that first introduced me to this insecurity
On the other hand I can see how the Western world might be more corrupted in that respect, people here don't seem to be ''aware'' that they are tall

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Based I respect my manlet boss too

I can understand a woman wanting a man taller than her but when she's shortstack and won't settle for anyone under 6' then I get a bit confused.

This. I'm also 5'5 also since I'm an ethnic Slav and I am expected to be taller so my short stature makes me look even more pathetic than it is with short Asians/Latin Americans who are genetically adjusted to be short and don't really look odd. Moreover, I'm rather light-boned so I look like a kid. Many women like me as a friend, probably because I resemble a child and it triggers their maternal instincts but none of them perceives me as a man, husband, that's humiliating af.

Also yes, life sucks. Being short is the worst thing that can happen to a man. I'd rather be disabled and move around in a wheelchair but look like a real man.

not an argument

Bitter incels who blame their virgin freakery on their height to avoid the truth that their lack of sex is their own fault.
I’m 5’7 and even I don’t feel that short when I’m outside.

>we're oftentimes considered the tallest country in the world

Bosnjo, Yugoslavia collapsed 30 years ago and no one thinks Bosnia is the tallest. There's a great difference in height between a Bosnjak and a Montenegrin for instance.

Daily reminder she was dicked by a manlet, ginger Turkish meme author. Considering she was getting it from uglos looking like fucking aliens it was an upgrade. I am expecting her to date a midget next :DDD

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Give me some of your inches pls


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Well that's manlet tier in white countries. You're lucky that the average US height is declining

>ayy lmao

I'm convinced it's a meme and women only say 6ft because it's an easier or simpler number to say and visualize. Most people have a mental list of traits they find attractive but we rarely meet people who fit even half of what's on the list, yet we still date them.

We're put in the same cluster by others, closely share genetics with each other and statistics confirm that we're around the same height, dunno I'm not biased at all and I'm not denying that this might be a possibility as well, I've got even less reason to want to live in a tall country as a manlet

I see countless white guys my height or only slightly taller every day. Hell, I’ve seen several guys significantly shorter than me be far more successful socially and sexually.

And I have seen a black man becoming the president of the US. I guess racism is just a meme.

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You can try to make me feel bad about myself all you want, Zhang. It’s not going to work.

>You can try to make me feel bad about myself all you want
wtf are you on about. I told you that you should be glad that the avg height (and IQ) in the US is declining. So retarded manlets like you should find life a lot easier.

Just kill yourself Zhang, it’s not working.

Goblin country, goblin standards