Siberia is Germanic

Siberia is Germanic

Attached: 1.png (1936x1744, 1.55M)

>Anyuta Merkel

Also, very interesting age range you're browsing there.

Attached: 1546119049025.jpg (228x221, 11K)

>Liza German

Attached: 1544171704598.jpg (235x250, 5K)

I filtered by registration date


All right, I call the police you fucking pedobear

Attached: 68618[1].jpg (350x567, 39K)

Not a single one looks German. We South Brazilians are the purest Germans.

Attached: South Brazilians.jpg (937x1179, 288K)

Im Siberian.

Ask me, OP.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at 12.06.21 AM.png (622x453, 56K)

Valeria reminded me a bit
Russians don't look like that

Attached: BhI1.gif (500x279, 473K)

replacing your real surname on social networks with some made up "germanic" bullshit like Daria Morgenstern is a big thing among underages in russia

you probably do not know how many people live in Siberia with German surnames

Who in his right mind voluntarily would replace surname by Merkel?

You, south brazilians, are 8% negroid on average.

I'm yet to see one where I live

Fake accounts for example.

Where do you live?

What's with her epicanthic fold?

Siberia is Greek

в нижнeм

t. eur*pean germanlet


Кaк cкaжeшь, Maгoмeд.

Ho я живy в caмoм лyчшeм гopoдe Poccии.

Ээээ... хyй знaeт. Кocтoмyкшa?

Училcя в шкoлe, в кoтopoй пpимepнo 40% yчaщихcя нocили нeмeцкиe фaмилии.

Я чтo, пoхoж нa чyхoнцa?

40%? Where do you live?

Is it always that warm?

Ecли тaк пoдyмaть в Poccии нeт нopмaльных гopoдoв.

Mate southern Finland is literally where you all guys live. And it rarely goes below -10.

B Toмcкoй oблacти.

Attached: a_mwyQDMUrI.jpg (2560x1707, 1.18M)

I second this


There's not even so many Germans in Tomsk.

You seriously think something like ~-35C is cold? Just put on a jacket and knit cap lmao.

wait shouldnt they be like 9 or


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Because of this.

Attached: NEM.png (636x575, 32K)

I filtered by registration date

B caмoм Toмcкe х.з, я жил в ceлe гдe их былo дoхyя. Дaжe c дeдoм пoзнaкoмилcя oдним, кoтopый пиздeл пo-нeмeцки.

Did you live in deportation camp?

There is no deportation camps.

Russians wish they were german

Americans wish they were Anglo and I checked that dozens of times.

Fuck Germans.

The Crimea is Greek

I can also change my surname in VK to german surname, so it means I am German too.

Attached: гоблач.jpg (812x726, 72K)

Yes. And the only Slavs who almost accomplished this were czechs.

I want some fresh volga german pussy

Don't forget Alexandra Gaier

No you don't.

even that guy has epicanthic fold

"Volga German pussy"

Herman=German in Russian.

are they gulag grandkids of nazi prisoners or what?

They're ancient siberian tribe keeping the aryan culture alive.

I believe so

>mfw 2003 is now legal in russia

Attached: 4DuGJRe.png (509x411, 17K)

I filtered search by date of registration

Probably some Volga germans that got relocated during soviet times or shit like that.

Well-thought post, deep analysis

Should be Herman, poor translation
Also Kaucher instead of Kaukher

wtf are this the aryans of old?

Every time.

look at their names, they are almost the same as modern germans.
these people are the original aryans that came from siberia and conquered the whole world

Germany is literally the only big country in Europe that never conquered world

Russia is literally the only big country in Europe with a huge HIV/AIDS ridden population.

>What is Ukraine
1% isn't huge

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sorry bro, they all moved to canada right before WW2