Ukrainians says that we Russians are Finno-Ugrics and aren't Slavic people!
Is that true?
Ukrainians says that we Russians are Finno-Ugrics and aren't Slavic people!
Is that true?
The left pic is how I visualise both ukrainians and russians
Ukropians literally have fu manchu haircuts and moustaches.
They are Turkic'd Asian spawn.
Don't take them seriously.
We never had such a hairstyle.
Only Northwest Russians are Finno-Ugric
No shit, Northwest is where 70% of ethnic russians live
What about Volga Finns?
Pic related is how I imagine the average Russian and Eastern euros in general.
We have nothing in common Pekka
This is exclusively your own mental problem
>imagine russian
>post tatar
Ukrainian volunteer batallion commander on the left and former Russian officer on the right
Russian and some Germanic subhuman.
>a typical slavic look
>not white
>tatars aren't russians
>russians aren't tatars
its turkic hairstyle you know
pic rel
its from anatolia
Russians arent tatars and mongols, stupid mutt.
Ukrainians are Turks?
Ukrainians are Romanians
they are affected by tatars
yes you are, stupid mutt
Tatars are white.
Poor Ukrainians.
Fuck you nazzi
Tatars are whiter than Ukrainians.
We're as much of tatars as you are niggers.
Americans are niggers though.
He is Finn.
Фy, блядь!
First of all, Ukrainians went full retard and then got completely brainwashed on top of that. Why the fuck would you take anything they say seriously??? People became completely demented, I tell you. I mean, it's not surprising if you only use Ukrainian media. Russian media is restricted or outright banned. Sure, you can bypass it, but most people don't bother. Especially if you want to watch Russian TV channels, you'll have to buy satellite. And while Russian media is also pretty retarded, at least it's an opposite view. And western media is out of reach for majority of Ukrainians, simply because they don't know the language. So people live in a bubble.
If you really want an answer though. Slavic people are an ethno-linguistic group, so it's about language and culture, not really genetics. There's really a wide range of genetic background among Slavs. And linguistically/culturally Russians are definitely Slavic, no matter all the memes. But even genetically Russians as a whole are quite close to Belarusians, Ukrainians and even Poles. Of course, there's some Finno-Ugrian blood in Russians. After all Russian core used to be populated mostly by them and Slavic colonizers assimilated them. But it's not dominant, because Slavs were much more numerous. Only in the region of Pomorye Russians cluster closer with Finnic people.
He is not.
>Only in the region of Pomorye Russians cluster closer with Finnic people.
Except it's quite literally a bullshit.
>responds in 1 minute
Russians should pay us reparations for all our stolen lands from Karelia to Moscow
Tatars got SLAVD.
You only can suck our dick.
Kostroma and Novgorod are half Finns
Thank you.
>Ukrainians went full retard and then got completely brainwashed on top of that. Why the fuck would you take anything they say seriously???
Yes. In a year all Ukrainians will consider us Finno-Ugric.
They were conquered though.
You can't steal what belongs to you rightfully tho
Finns are isolated and heavily inbred, hence why they're always so special and cannot be compared.
Land thief logic
>t. retard
You're Vata, you know it ?
No such thing as should. Only losers pay reparations. But you didn't any wars with Russia.
>me no likey finns so no can compare
literal idiot baboon
I am Pidorashka.
And besides those weren't you lands. You weren't even a fucking country and those were different tribes. And you Finnic brothers accepted all the Slavs and got assimilated quite peacefully, like cucks.
Geniticist have already split Europe into Finns and non-Finns, so...
Why is Novgorodians looks like Finns then?
Because they're Baltic.
Finns descend partially from the original people who settled Finland 12000 years ago from Central Europe. We are Finnic but we are native.
>Дмитpий Hикoлaeвич
I guess you mean all ethnic Russians are Tartars these days.
>Geniticist have already split Europe into Finns and non-Finns, so...
Oh yes, i see:
Now fuck off, dolboslav.
I did not personally know that Finns have been in a genetic isolation for 12000 years.
Will Ukrainian cucks accept Putin annexing you?
Finns belong in Siberia, you stole Finland
But it's usually Finns who are like that. Spouting some utter nonsense, just because you don't like Russia.
Russia haters suck dicks.
Not isolation but mixture. Most of Finns ancestors came from the Pontic-Caspian steppe and spoke Indo-European languages. Our Finnic ancestors came much later.
Tatars are Russians.
If the West going to ditch them completely, then yes. They will come back to Russia begging.
Sulje orja
Russians aren't Slavic or white
Go back to Finland.
A majority ethnic Russian city, what's your point tovarich?
She is Greek.
Genius fucking logic. Not only it's not a Tatar city, but if I was born in Ukraine, but all my ancestors are from Russia, does it make me a Ukrainian???
Moscow is not Russia though
Does it somehow look like Russians like Finland?
But this particular psycho is from Nizhny Novgorod and is obsessed with Finns because Nizhny Novgorod used to be Finnic just a few centuries ago and he hates having any connection to Finns
>A majority ethnic Russian city
What's up Jose, can't formulate thoughts?
>Will Smith
Totally the same way as all americans are niggers, and especially ones with Smith surname, retarded mongrel.
>62% Russian
>31% Buryat
What are you seriously trying to convince me he's Mongolian?
>Nizhny Novgorod
You first.
What a big brain post.
African-Americans have English names because of slavery.
Volga Finns near NiNo you know that.
There is no doubt about it
r*ssians are subhumans regardless of their appearence
Are you blind? Most of Jow Forums hates Finnish shitposting already.
Smolensk and Nizhny Novgorod, guess which is which.
One team has only niggers
no it not true you are not finno ugric and you never will be
>Nizhny Novgorod
A fucking village.
Your country, people are irrelevant to this world. so, shut up.
Now amuritard try to draw some analogy with tatars, who were conquered by us, giving them new names and surnames.
>Finns get constantly attacked on int especially by nasty Russians and Swedes
>Finns correct them and tell some facts about them
>bwaaaah y u shitpost
>1000 years ago
>sparsely populated
>got waves of Slavic migration for several centuries
>Most of Jow Forums hates Finnish shitposting already.
>because Nizhny Novgorod used to be Finnic just a few centuries
Tell me are you legit retarded? More like one thousand years ago.