>15 year olds can't drive in Europe
How did y'all get to school?
15 year olds can't drive in Europe
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>he has a car at 15
posh cunt
They have this thing called legs
by foot, it usually took me around 15 minutes
actually that map isnt correct, in the UK you can learn to drive from age 16 if you're a carer for someone with mobility issues
I had a shitty car at 15, than my dad bought me an Acura at 17.
I love Japanese cars
On foot, by train, by bus or tram.
t. can't drink at 20
At my school all the black people took the school bus while the white folk would drive themselves
imagine having to walk to school lmao it's like year 1800
take the bus or walk or cycle? it's like 5-15 mins depending on how far you live from the school
Its a whole lot easier to drink in America at 20 than it is to drive in most euro countries at 17.
I'll take the trade
eurocucks btfo
16yo can get a special loisence for driving if it's REALLY needed. Common reason is living in Bumfuck.
Here you can drive one of those mini cars as soon as you're 14, I think.
And that's something to be proud of or what?
like a golf cart?
Imagine having to pay an arm and a leg for a migraine lmao it's like year 1800
Of course it is, idiot.
Driving a car needs far more responsibility than drinking alcohol.
How do american middle schoolers get to school if they can't drive?
Bikes/Public transportation/ walking
>Its a whole lot easier to drink in America at 20 than it is to drive in most euro countries at 17.
I'd rather let a 20 year old get smashed then let a 17 year old drive too.
I'm 23 and still can't drive. I walked to school and college and now I work from home. I'll definitely start lessons before I'm 25 though
My school was a 15 minute walk away.
In my experience the black people took the school bus and the white people got dropped off.
I walked because I lived 2 blocks away from my middle school though
>driving to school
alri, Tarquin
Scooters too, you're allowed to drive scooters at the age of 16
Imagine being too far to walk to school
>I love Japanese cars
>and the white people got dropped off.
Young americans aren't ashamed to be driven to school by mummy and daddy like a little kid?
It's more a question of being able to quickly escape when a school shooting inevitably happens
just walk lmao
>he is so cucked by the germans that he doesn't acknowledge japanese superiority in automaking
>It's another euros being ignorant of american public transport thread
"moped car" or "light four wheeler"
15 is the minimum age.
In middle school no, everybody gets dropped off.
Once you reach 3rd year of high school you would get made fun of for not having a car.
Nah OP assumes everyone here drove a car at 15. Which isn't true in big inner city schools.
>Land of the free
>Dont have freedom to drive as fast as you want
>Haha look at that guy he didn't buy a car yet!
Why are Americans so childish and pathetic?
Rare footage of American going to school on foot:
>Land of Efficiency
>Still uses cash everywhere
Volvo, Cadillac, SsangYong
walking for 5 minutes
The amount of bullets is accurate
That's sort of common for elementary schools.
There are 120km roads throughout Western Australia, desu.
american high schoolers probably wageslave in a part time job to afford that car
Ahah, I know where you live now.
I literally paid for a 0,49 Euro donut with contactless credit card today
Same alltough I'm 22
we pay such high tax on cars it would be impossible to drive at 15 unless you were rich
+ high insurance if you’re a young male
He could have moved by now
I didn't have to buy a car, my family already had extras for me to drive
Thats true for most, mommy or daddy will get a new car and give their old one to their son or daughter
America is still massively behind Europe when it comes to chip and PIN or contactless payments.
t. works for Chase
I moved 6 times since then
true for contactless, but everywhere uses chip nowadays.
Still not even remotely the same thing as the ridiculous amount of German businesses that don't accept any type of card, or have a minimum price
Germany is special, they're seen as backwards by the rest of us. They still have internet cafes lmao.
People I knew what nicer cars would work for them. If you have no issue with passing courses it gave you free time to get a job.
Or drove moms busted out soccer mom car.
>Once you reach 3rd year of high school you would get made fun of for not having a car.
Why though? Are high-schoolers in high-density urban areas like new york driving their cars to school too?
Or are you just talking about some flyover state? Where do you live?
In Poland you would get made fun of for being dropped and picked up by parents past the 3rd grade.
Shit I was riding trains to the other side of the country with my friends at the age of 11, since we're generally expected to be self-reliant past elementary school.
I also had a Simson S51 since I was 13 (50cc, two stroke, made in DDR motorcycle, 4 speed manual transmission) like in pic related
Was a good brapper but I crashed it unfortunately.
>le Germany le being le behind le everyone le else
Why would I need a car at 15?
On foot. Classmates who didn't live close to the school - by bus.
haha le epic space age fishermah showing these stone age Germans who's backwards
Easiest way to get laid.
I live in a country where cities aren't unnecessarily sprawled out, I can just walk there or take the bus.
Why would I drive if it was within 500 meters?
Seems like you're compensating for something.
>Or are you just talking about some flyover state?
Can't speak for everyone, but I'm from a medium sized southern city.
And i'm specifically talking about the whites, the black people at my school didn't have cars at the same rate. But whites would be bullied for not having a car by their 3rd year of high school
Like its easier to drive to some hos house to bang.
Korean cars are most popular foreign cars in Russia.
My parents picked me up in high school, nobody really cared.
Really surprised about Australia and the US, it must suck to have all these huge roads in the middle of nowhere with almost nobody on them and still having to drive slowly
Getting to school, sports practice, friends house, get food, doing activities.
It doesn't change the fact that we're very early adopters of new technology.
Most of those patents must be for things that have existed for ages in Europe, but that Germans think are new.
I still don't have a license
I just walk to work
Montana wanted to have no speed limits but the federal government forced them too.
So now they literally write $5 tickets
le epic consumer showing those innovators who's truly innovative
real map
You forgot smashing hos, the mash and dash.
underage b&
Yeah I would pay to see the 15 year old you trying to walk in with a "ho" to "bang" with your parents hollering you for dinner.
lmao, delusional. it's easiest to meet at party and drunk fuck. not like youd know though, you'll be busy honing your exhaust to be the loudest for street cred from your bros for your teen years.
How exactly not having a car stops you from doing either of these?
>sports practice
But you're the fattest nation on the planet. Who the fuck does sport there?
>How did y'all get to school?
Walking? You know that thing you do with your feet when you want to get from one place to another? There is also public transport if you are really far away from your school.
I walked to Kindergarden and later took my bicycle to school.
Nigga you do it during your school hours and parents are gone to work. Perfect time.
imagine buying an Indian AND a korean car
Lmao federal fags owned.
Also do you have cops and radars in the middle of some empty fields in Nebraska or something just waiting to fine people or can you basically drive how fast you want in those sparsely populated areas.
>it's easiest to meet at party and drunk fuck.
Americans can't do that until they're 21 though.
Also you can't drive under influence.
So in order to drink you have to leave you car.
But you have to have you car in order to get the multi-thousand mile journey through traffic to your neighbours home to get to the designated drinking place.
Given this paradox, you decide to shoot up a school.
We're actually no fatter than Australia and Britain if you only count the whites of each country.
And people usually don't get fat later in life, many of our fat people played sports in high school. Also keep in mind being fat isn't always a disadvantage in high school baseball and american football. And enough people do sports to have a full football team, basketball team, girls basketball team, boys and girls soccer team, boys and girls tennis team, baseball team, softball team, lacross team and a girls volley ball team. In the North a lot of schools have hockey as well
Whatever lets you sleep at night.
>all that mental gymnastics
noone does sport in usa you fat fuck
tickets by robots are only in the inner cities.
Everywhere else a cop literally pulls you over
LOL are you an idiot? The cops don't care about busting an 18 year olds house party
>you only count the whites of each country
All 29% of them?