Why is Germany good and bad at the same time?
Why is Germany good and bad at the same time?
Cuz of hegel durr
jazz is too no wait wrong board
actual autism
Why not?
Germany isn't bad. They're evil maybe but there's nothing wrong with that
Not really evil except killing jews. Granted I think the holocaust was more like 500k or so. But people shit on them all the time for starting ww2 and ww1. dont see how they started the latter but i agree with the former. Granted napoleon had multiple wars but that was 200 years ago so it mostly has faded from public memory.
>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies and half of Germany's debt was forgiven even though they started the war
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America and Britain risk war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies and airmen even personally buy and drop candy for the children
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
>Britain also helped them a ton after having been drawn into both world wars by Germany but now 90% of Germans want to hurt Britain in the Brexit negotiations
Why are Germans such ungrateful, mean, and self-righteous people?