Why aren't Siberians and Eskimos internationally relevant, whereas East Asians and Europeans are? All of these groups have larger than average cranial volume.
Why aren't Siberians and Eskimos internationally relevant, whereas East Asians and Europeans are...
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Because what's relevant to you is a perspective of your own culture.
But why don't we have more Siberian engineers and scientists if they have such large hedas?
The number of engineers and scientists isnt directly proportional to the intellectual potential of a people, there are way more factors at play.
Hehehe dumb Japanese
They live in places that are too cold.
Big brained Argentinians
>Anglos and Japs are brainlets
Yeah no, this is a meme map
because cranial volume is only related do visual inteligence and contrary to what pol says only grey mass volume is weakly correlated with iq
Brain volume explains 16% of the variance in full scale IQ, which is substantially better than even the best polygenic scores today.
16% of the variance is almost noyhing also gray matter can vary widely by cell size, dentritic arborization, vascular flow, glial proliferation, mielinization, water intake etc. even learning something new changes your brain volume and most of the volume isnt even neurons.
also im not sayin that isnt positively correlated and nice to have a larger head, just that other factors are far more important. birds are smarter than many mamals with they tinny heads and elephants arent 2000iq genius. other things are that iq tests vary and generally measure a lot of things like working memory that is correlated with the pfc but isnt correlated with other areas
Because they live in remote places
>engineers and scientists
Engineers and scientists have literally led to our species achieving a state at which populations are becoming unsustainable and resources are being depleted. Interstellar travel is a meme and humanity likely won't live to see another millennium.
Doesn't sound very intelligent.
entropy always rise, thas alway was our destiny
Smarter people don't have bigger brains
Prettty much. Doesn't matter how hard we try, chaos is the only future possible
Doesn't really surprise me
No way does cranial volume mean shit. You're gonna tell me that Brits, Japs, and Meds are West African tier and that Vietnamese are Abo tier?
Based post.
of course it doesn't
this is what happens when big brain memes get out of hand
cranial volume has decreased as humans have evolved. what has increased is neuron density
scandis are big brain nibbas
who cares about potentials?
The info should be there. How it’s interpreted should not be their (wiki editors’) concern.