Being old fashioned and stubborn is not a political opinion, if you're willing to beat a kid for tying his hair back when he's at home, then you're not okay in the head
Conservatism isn't a valid stance
>call yourself a conservative
>don't want to conserve the planet, but will happily fight to conserve Jewish interests in our societyr
Extremes are bad no matter the pole
how does this make you feel
>if you're willing to beat a kid for tying his hair back when he's at home
Wait wtf I'm confused aren't they supposed to be mad at a man with long hair who DOESN'T tie his hair back? I mean I'm sure they'd prefer if he had short hair either way but idk, this example is weird. I do agree though, conservacucks are retards. Also is that pic the result you got?
Precisely. Old isn't always good
What part of politics and current events belong on Jow Forums, don’t you get?
Not everything new is necessarily good. Like sex change surgeries, for example.
It's good to have one foot in the old, and one in the new. Conservative views change with time. Conservatives of 2050 will not have the same views as those of today. It's like an ice pick that ensures you don't slip and fall to your death while trying to climb up.
Go back to losing elections and drinking cow urine Modi.
Modi and BJP are more progressive than most other parties, though. While the others are focussed on dynastic politics and looting public money, BJP is internally democratic and it's trying to improve the country.