What is your ideal partner like Jow Forums?

Attached: tfw no ideal boifu.jpg (500x490, 45K)

filthy rich

Taiwanese American but obsessed with Japan

She loves me and is also from my race

Weeb thot.

Attached: Doh2kZrUwAAa6ap.jpg (841x1199, 160K)

That's a boy. :3

needs to be autistic

>What is your ideal partner like Jow Forums?
Like this.

Attached: protective mommy gf.jpg (760x600, 85K)

Kind, intelligent, humble, traditional, good listener, antisocial (except with me), good taste, worships me. I'm not picky about looks, though I only like whites. That being said this since this is a theoretical ideal mate something like pic related, the (implied) Canadian citizenship is just a plus.

Attached: lars and the real girl.jpg (600x339, 55K)

this, and ~10 years older