I am an Anglo. How does that make you feel?
I am an Anglo. How does that make you feel?
Well, are you cute?
anglos are the real jews of the world
ok, Hans
hes right you know.
i like the jews
Im not german.
I'm a loving human with empathy. Something germans and anglos don't seem to understand
Ah yes, the honorary jews.
>I am an Anglo. How does that make you feel?
You must suffer so that the world may finally know peace.
You oppressed my people for 400 yrs
Now all we do is fix ppl's internet problems via phone lines and swing n fling our shits around on the street all the while wanting to look fairer like you Anglos...
Are you cute? uwu
>Are you cute?
I bet he is lmao
>hile wanting to look fairer like you Anglos
How difficult can that be, really
Hello.my fellow anglo man
Get the fuck out of my country right now faggot.
Hi fellow French person
Hi black man
Hi fellow Bavaryan person
Wow! I didn't know there were moroccans in the states! Very cool.
I do too for the most part. But they aren't completely benevolent.
Your just Germans living in island next to potato farmers and drunks
>Your just Germans
I am British mohammad.
>British mohammad
You said 'British' twice.
Really? Wow!! It's just that you look very south moroccan.
Kill yourself, moohamed.