I am an Anglo. How does that make you feel?

I am an Anglo. How does that make you feel?

Attached: 1535886674268.png (3000x3000, 48K)

Well, are you cute?

anglos are the real jews of the world


ok, Hans

hes right you know.

i like the jews

Im not german.
I'm a loving human with empathy. Something germans and anglos don't seem to understand

Ah yes, the honorary jews.

>I am an Anglo. How does that make you feel?

You must suffer so that the world may finally know peace.

Attached: germans want to see uk suffer.png (655x961, 542K)

You oppressed my people for 400 yrs
Now all we do is fix ppl's internet problems via phone lines and swing n fling our shits around on the street all the while wanting to look fairer like you Anglos...

Attached: image.jpg (1280x960, 216K)

Are you cute? uwu

>Are you cute?

I bet he is lmao

Attached: 1520715810805.png (1192x1670, 1.34M)

>hile wanting to look fairer like you Anglos

How difficult can that be, really

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2018-08-13 um 06.09.02.png (639x588, 311K)

Hello.my fellow anglo man

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-31-13-44-12.png (720x1280, 574K)

Get the fuck out of my country right now faggot.

Hi fellow French person

Hi black man

Hi fellow Bavaryan person

Wow! I didn't know there were moroccans in the states! Very cool.

I do too for the most part. But they aren't completely benevolent.

Your just Germans living in island next to potato farmers and drunks

>Your just Germans


I am British mohammad.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-31-11-58-07.png (720x1280, 501K)

>British mohammad

You said 'British' twice.

Attached: muhammad most popular british name.png (640x1136, 373K)

Attached: indian.png (294x415, 147K)

Really? Wow!! It's just that you look very south moroccan.

Kill yourself, moohamed.