Be euro in WW2

>be euro in WW2
>facing the onslaught of Nazi Germany
>Americans come in and die fighting against the Nazis for your freedom
>after WW2 your towns and cities are devastated
>USA comes in again with the marshal plan and pumps the modern-day equivalent of $100 billion into Eruope
>be current year
>still reliant upon American military protection and get shitty when asked to pay for it
>still take an arrogant attitude
Why are Euros so uppity towards Americans, they owe the Americans if anything

Attached: 1024px-US-MarshallPlanAid-Logo.svg.png (1024x1213, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Eurangutans are chimps

The americans should have minded their own business

Because the amerimutt is a beast of burden existing solely to serve.

Well yeah, not like Italy needed any help in losing wars

Attached: italian wars.png (1373x462, 98K)

Because they barely did anything (for Europe) compared to Canadians, French, Brits and especially Russia yet take much of the credit. Also the backlash is mostly because of THEIR arrogant attitude. Taking credit for things people did 80 years ago is retarded.

>Europeans complaining about Americans taking credit for things done in the past
Maybe you shouldn’t have declared war on us Luigi

De de de de epik.

The Marshal plan should have all gone to Australia honestly.
It was wasted on the Europeans.

>L M A O

Famous American intellect.

Shitaly got counter-invaded by the Greeks LMAO

>Because they barely did anything (for Europe) compared to Canadians, French, Brits and especially Russia yet take much of the credit.
It's a big Yikes from me

>Also the backlash is mostly because of THEIR arrogant attitude. Taking credit for things people did 80 years ago is retarded.

God I fucking wish

The Euroid has two responses to this

>you didn’t save us! hitler was based and was saving europe
>americans didn’t do anything, soviets saved europe

the first argument is your typical sub 100 iq Jow Forumstard edgelord. the second argument comes from a slightly smarter individual, albeit still in complete denial. they can’t accept the undeniable historical fact that they were partly saved by mutts. they’d rather not think about how after world war 2, without american intervention , the soviets would’ve conquered all of europe. there’s no greater sting to a europeans pride, knowing that this country they sneer at, the one they can look down their noses at, a bunch of bible thumping, gun loving retards, are the reason they live free and happy today.

Attached: 3FF8C2B0-8598-426F-8C3D-29B62F971363.jpg (956x1280, 303K)

got some shit on your nose there bruce

>haha dumb amerifats XD
>doesn't even know brainlet-tier history about biggest war ever

>>Americans come in and die fighting against the Nazis for your freedom

Attached: 1522494985265.jpg (226x223, 17K)

Maybe you shouldn't have strong arm our ally and bankroll England and Russia for a second time.

>telling Japan to stop rampaging across Asia is strong arming

>"Japan dindu nuffin wrong! They wuz good boys! You Americans wuz big meanies for not selling them oil for their war machine!"

Get fucked Attila, the "Murrica provoked Japan with muh sanctions" meme is teenage edgelord bullshit

Attached: c300bdd24bd51ca946182f0493444daf--nanking-massacre-chinese-babies.jpg (461x279, 12K)

>how dare this filthy yellow devils have their own empire! only we anglos are allowed to have an empire!!

western Europe was not devastated, not in any way, Germany was
americans came in to stop USSR and pumped money into Europe so nobody thinks living under communism will be better (remember nobody knew much about the USSR, what was known is that a rural backwards empire is now the number1 military after a devastating civil war in 20years)

so yea, mutts wanted to make a showcase for capitalism, which succceeded, duno why the ppl they experimented on should be grateful in any way

*taps phone*
*finds this picture*

My dick is erect uezs

Attached: angela merkel.jpg (300x225, 66K)

are you fucking retarded? Why are you eurofags so keen on denying that another Western power helped you back to your feet when your countries were basically equivalent of modern day Syria... all rubble. It wasn't just Germany, more like UK, France, Netherlands, Belgium all destroyed

Attached: london_after_ww2.png (929x438, 539K)

why ARE YOU retarded? MUH LONDON, LOL, 5 ppl died and 10 ppl damaged compared to what warsaw endured, compared to what budapest endured compared to what stalingrad endured

i hate you anglo shitstains so fuckng much, you lieing pisstakers, you piece of shit jews, NO it WAS not all RUBBLE because then your money couldnt rebuilt fuck all you stupid shartistani uneducated KIKELOVER FAGGOT

who cares about syria? fucking syria with 3 cities and some bullettholes

this is what destuction looks like, fucking fucking fucking SHIT AMERICAN DIEEEE

Attached: destroyed.jpg (1920x1080, 661K)

I guess it's our fault from saving this continent from becoming a comunist shithole like your own country. I was using Syria as a comparison for devastation... I hate kikes more than anyone also faggot

Not returning to a traditional, pre-industrial society post-WWII was a massive mistake. WWII was a direct consequence of industrialisation, we learnt nothing.