Within 1 hour my mom comes home and I will know if she found out I've been faking going to school for almost a year now...

Within 1 hour my mom comes home and I will know if she found out I've been faking going to school for almost a year now if she knows she's gonna have to pay back €1000+ in child support over the months and she's gonna freak out and probably kick me out because I already did this once these might be my last moments behind my pc is my warm room until I have to sleep on the streets I'm so stressed

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these are the ppl who make smug frogposts about comfy neets

why did you do that tho? where were you going instead of school, kiddo?

well at least you are in yuurope. get some welfare assistance

I'm almost 24, I dropped out of high school at 19 and now I was going to "volwassenenonderwijs" (adult education) but I hated it (boring + I'm an autist and can't connect to people) so now I'm trying to become a pro player in LoL.

I have no doubt in my mind that you can pass as at least autistic and get a disability pension.

>le first world baby crying about his “hard” life

No, you have to have worked for a while before you get it. And I have no experience or education so can't get a job.

You should try being fortnitw streaming instead

Yes I have a very easy life, with my mom who takes care of me and my 2 sister on minimum wage as a cleaning lady and the fridge is completely empty for 2 days now because we don't have money for food very easy life.

go work then muhammad

Ever thought about internet scamming for a living?

There is no work here, Belgium is a third world country.

People laugh when I say I want to go pro in LoL but for me it's realistic because I'm really good at it (been playing it for 6+ years) but obviously it still takes time.

you arent belgian, go back where you or your parents came from

I am Belgian and both my parents are Belgian.

>There is no work here

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For stockroom work you need a license to use a forklift or even a regular driver's license (costs €1000+ to get)

To work in stores they rarely accept guys because 95%+ they accept are female students

I won't work in shit like McDonald's, I'd rather die (not that it's easy to get a job there because all the immigrants work there already)

There is nothing left

So are you and your siblings a result of unwanted pregnancy? If not then it's your mom's fault for bring you into this world in an unstable house (since your dad is not around).
Still, you're 24 so go find you job you twat.

>No jobs
>Third World Country
Maybe If you wanted to and you actually had some kind of diploma you would find a job dipshit
Same situation in France, fucking lazy ass bitches like you who just complain.
You better end up as a LoL pro player, but meanwhile you can at least try to find a job either in BE, NL or FR to make momma less angry

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I don't care who's fault it is, this is the situation I'm in right now.

There are no jobs here if you are uneducated and have no experience.

I'm not lazy there are no jobs. To NL or FR? I should go to a different country every day using public transportation? Great advice.

Well you are stupid fucking NEET you deserve to suffer

so you dont wana work, got it ahmed

Also I didn't mention this but my mom works part time and gets 50% welfare so if I work and earn more than her she loses all welfare and I'd have to pay it to her. That or I get a different address (which is at least €800 per month and that would be 70% of my wage as I would have a shit job)

>a pro player in LoL


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What part of there are no jobs do you not understand? Germany is actually strong economically, Belgium is not. And in Hungary people still live in the stone age so you can just go work with farmer Fred any time you want, not in Belgium.

You deserve to be kicked out piece of shit

I would earn a minimum of around €10 000 per month, pretty good if you ask me.

>I won't work in shit like McDonald's, I'd rather die

what a stingy little cunt you are, i hope you die, actually id kill you myself

now i sympathise with OP. it is hard getting a job nowadays with students needing a job despite government benefits, and cheap foreign labor pouring into the country. the fact you are 24 years old with no experience and education only makes it 10 times worse. fuck all third worlders who think life is somehow easier in first world countries because they have a higher number on some wikipedia list than yours.

>There are no jobs
Well seeing by your lack of evidence there are no brains either in WineWithWaterLand

You have 2 working parents and live a good life, went to university etc. Your opinion has 0 relevance.

Living in first world is much harder. You can't do crime here like you can in African countries like Hungary because police actually works here.

lol, another worthless little shit
entitled little retards you are, i will kill you too, just stand in line

How can I prove there are no jobs? Learn Dutch and go on VDAB site and apply for jobs. I applied for 100+ jobs in a few months and maybe 2 responded and then denied me.


no i was poor and started working at 14, and did schools and my dad left my mom when i was 10, yet somehow i didnt become like you, subhuman

I also sympathize, but there are jobs in Belgium and France or Netherlands (they are all so close together), he can just start working out and be a factory worker or build houses idk

>pro player in LoL
>in EU
You'd have a better chance playing Dota.

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So you are a boomer who got an easy job early in his life. Easymode. Those jobs don't exist. Working at 14 is literally illegal now. Like I said in African countries like Hungary it's easier.

So you don't know French? Lol, starts off good
But don't you have idk a family or a father who could help you find something? If you have a concrete idea your mother won't fuck you up as badly, you just need to prove her you can.

shit wrong poster lol

My gf works half time during her vacation she's 16 you dumb?

>it’s another episode of eastern european pretending to be a dirtpoor third worlder to shit on western europeans
b-b-but central european!! b-b-but austria-hungary!
dumb gypsy

No both my parents are poor and I have no contact with any family. Also my French is ok but why would Walloon accept a Flemish over a Walloon who actually speaks the language better, that's dumb.

No because I've been playing League for 6 years and I'm in top 200 right now. Never played Dota.

? Yes you can work at 16 in a student job what's your point.

You have early game if you make it but no late game whatsoever. You're fucked. Get a job and get training.

i was working as a student beside school, but that doesnt matter, you are way older than i was and you still havent done anything, i hope your mom beats your ass and kicks you out, and you will never be a professional lol player because you suck, if you were playing for 6 years you reached your peak

How did you pull off pretending to go to school?

mad neet,i hope your generation dies off

Dude, there's millions of people out there making big bucks by scamming boomers on the internet. I know engineers who abandoned their careers and make 20k+ dollars a month with phishing websites.

if you are top 200 why don't you try to get into some B tier team so you have a place to stay (assuming they have a gaymen house to practice) and possible source of income. plus does being a gaymer qualify you for

way to talk yourself out of trying you idiot

Well if you get a job anywhere you will probably be able to rent, save up for a new PC and then you'll be able to play LoL again, just not as much because of work

CREATE work, dobt search for it

holy shit
lmaoing HARD @ your life rn

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I hope you make it OP. But if you pussy out of every option youre absolutely fucked.

do you speak passable German or live near the border?
If you do there are tons of easy warehouse/manufacturing type jobs here

even the arabs find jobs here no qualifications needed

If you live in Lüttich getting to Aachen every day is very easy

parasites must be treated like parasites

commuting to Germany is no task at all thanks to Shengen

This is literally your own fault OP, you let this happen to yourself

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I feel you OP. Im 24 yo and never worked. Im in my second year of uni. So i can get a job on my field (computer science).
All non related jobs are full-time so i should quit uni.

I might kill myself this year

Sounds like you have it a lot better, just finish uni and then start working. If you really need the money get a Mcjob or something and then quit once you are done studying.

Hey OP are you a qt Belgian twink? you can come live with me if you take HRT and act as my gf

I still have 3-4 years ahead in uni.
And theres no job in this shithole. We are having a really bad economic crisis this year.

So i dont really know what to do. Quit my carrer to get a shitty job and have no future. Or remain very poor and bet for better times in a few years.

Don’t be resentful

Ahh, yes... The comfy neet poster

Finish your uni first, if times get really rough you should start looking for a job but your first priority should be to finish uni. Your family/relatives will also more than likely help you by lending you money to get you trough the bad times.

I have never gotten a € from the government in my life though.

Here you need a forklift licence and usually also a driver's licence (costs €1000+ for lessons) to work in a warehouse.

At first I literally sat in the bus, waiting at bus stops, going to the library every day for like 8 hours. Now I pretend it's exams and I only go for a few hours every few days.

Also I live near the Dutch border and my German is shit (can only understand it a bit)

Shit I remember you. Did you rank up recently?

Can't you go back to Algeria?

Lol I hope you get kicked out.
Another whitey defeated

I'm 65% win rate D4 at the moment (season started like 2 weeks ago). I think I can get challenger in 2 weeks or so.

I'm white, fucking Hell, it's really true non western europeans think everyone has it easy here right? There's quite high poverty here. There's millions of people in poverty in western europe and not just the immigrants.

Yes i guess i will try that. Also, im too autistic to find a job now.

Time will tell

Surely you can at least sell one of your cars?

The last car my family had was a €1500 second hand shitty car of my dad. My mother has never had a car.

Ok guys she just came home and she hasn't screamed yet or anything I'm gonna go downstairs and see if she knows anything wish my luck will report back

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Well shit. Good luck with LoL then.


OKAY guys she doesn't know shit she is gonna get food packages every thursday though because she won't get child support for a while but this leaves me some more time to go pro in LoL and earny between €10 000-20 000 PER MONTH we're all gonna make it guys I'm not homeless just yet

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go back and take your education you piece of shit

No thank you friend I will never succumb to the jewish trick of working a 9-5 like a slav for decades while the government raises retirement age every few years so you have to work until you die NEVER

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>No thank you friend I will never succumb to the jewish trick of working a 9-5 like a slav for decades while the government raises retirement age every few years so you have to work until you die NEVER
you know you can find a job in a field you like to work in? you can basically take classes in video games and shit, at least you can in germany

Lazy Belgian

>this is a kind of poster who calls me a lazy subhuman

LoL is dying and people are starting to lose interest in e-sports, just as it got big enough for the pro player market to be saturated.
Find a different way to make money, E-sports is not a good investment.

Every LoL match gets 150K-200K viewers. LoL pros in Europe earn an average of 150K/year. In NA they earn an average o 250K/year. LoL is still in the top 5 most played games in the world and most watched Esport.

Youre actually fucking stupid.

No I'm not, I'm enlightened and not a slave like 99% of humanity.

I can't get welfare because I have a website, which is a business, which earns me nothing.

>can't get a job
>try to make some money
>still apply for jobs despite that
>ahaha we'll punish you for it

I have nothing but pity for you.

>not a slave
>completely dependent on mommy

Just make sure you have a backup plan. Like, if you spend 10 hours a day on lol. Try to spend 3 hours on learning a skill or something.

>expecting delusional people to see reason
Don't bother. This thread's over.