Shit whore gf user from yesterday

shit whore gf user from yesterday,
> gf asked for forgiveness
> threw her shit out in a drunken rage
>changed the lock to my door
>starts banging on the door at 3am
>go to sleep knowing shes freezing outside, put on headphones and fell asleep
>her mom called at 7 am yelling at me
>dont give shit, go to work
>she threatens to tell police i raped her
>mfw mongolian police doesnt do shit for rape allegations
Kek what's up anons

Attached: The_End.jpg (600x600, 24K)

She fuck your dad op?

Absolute based

Full story? Also based police


Doesn't matternow that I got all of her shit on tape and made copies un case she destroys the evidence
If she tries to sue me for rape I'll sue her for defamation

Good luck, Genghis.

Good luck keeping the thots in check my monkol brother, also:
>mongolian police doesnt do shit for rape allegations

Attached: Bionite.gif (500x473, 3.77M)


Well done my mongolian brother, now move on from that whore and find yourself a gf that deserves you. Older women are generally way more loyal than some 18y old sluts.
If all else fails become gay