what's idaho like? is boise a nice city?
Potato land
is this a good or a bad thing?
any idahoians on Jow Forums?
looks like a sims town
Looks comfy
>they stop being mean when they see a neat picture of a place in the USA
fuck off and choke on it
why does america get the best autumn??
wow now who's being mean?
I've been here long enough to know what you assholes say about my country and my peoples. FUCK OFF AND STAY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stay away urbanite scum
Idaho is nice. It's mostly white ( at least gauging from when I was there)
Boise might not be your best choice.
Some of the state is straight up desert.
Basically the southeast but colder and less black people.
why is there desert so far north? I thought idaho was cold. post pictures of idaho desert!
Oh, playing dumb now huh?
Explain this shit. What the FUCK IS THIS supposed to be exactly, Mr. Denmark?
in the south it's pretty deserty
most of it is mountainy though
visit moscow in the panhandle
My brothers :)
a frog pooping its pants in a supermarket. Do you think I drew that picture?
but won't I be accosted by bydlos and gopniks if i go there
difference in geography farther north
damn dude that looks like the starting place in Red Dead Redemption 2. Are there wild horses?
Idaho is nice
t. Idahoan
that's some gorgeous fucking nature.
based idahoians supporting trust justice and freedom for all peoples
I wanna live somewhere like this, where you can see mountains in all directions but still have a ton of space around you. Norway is great for mountains but it's lacking the wide open spaces, denmark has the wide open spaces but no mountains.
even further north and it's heavily forested
There's lots of open valleys here left over from the ice age and then steep mountains on the sides, it's pretty nice/
these are some really nice pictures
Mormons, conservative and far from society. Better live in washignton
isn't washington full of hipsters and SJWs though?