>has monarchy
>country isnt named after monarchs leading it
Has monarchy
>Country is not democratic or a People's Republic
>Still called Democratic People's Republic
also lol at how he has at the flag of Qatar behind him in the OP pic
>The name of his country starts with 'the Republic of'
why you still live in one?
>countries that start with "The"
because it's not like I can vote it away
that's normal it's a communist country
then move to place that fits you. i highly doubt you're native anyway.
it fits me just fine here
then I guess monarchy suits you just fine
Problem is monarchs will be at each other's throat. You should know what happened to Europe when kings and queens ruled it.
>has republicc
>country is named after monarchs that were leading it
They know how much cash is at stake, they also know where to act like bedouins and where to act as businessmen in multi billion dollar industry.
>Republik Österreich
>republic of the Eastern realm
>republic of the realm
why is he so smug?
Our country is older than our monarchy.
cause he is based
لان العرص في الجيب
>William of Orange fought to make the Netherlands a republic
>the orange family gets voted to become the head of state for several centuries
>french revolution happens, monarchies overthrown everywhere
>napoleon comes here and turns us into a monarchy because we were already a republic anyway
>now the descendants of william of orange, who fought to make us a republic, have become Kings
Woah, so this is the power of republics.
yeah nah
Why was he called William of Orange anyways
Did he grow orange plantations or something
>The Netherlands
Holland :^)
His family was from Orange. Which is in southern France.
that's because we created their monarchy