White women are scientifically the least feminine race of women...

White women are scientifically the least feminine race of women, they produce lower levels of estrogen when compared to Asian and Black women.


>African Americans had 18% higher levels of estradiol
>Asian Americans had 22% higher calculated free estradiol

Estrogen prevents the growth of facial bone, reduces the size of the nose and chin, leads to larger eyes and an increased thickness of the lips. It makes the bones smaller and shorter, the pelvis broader, and the shoulders narrower.
It increases fat storage around the hips and thighs, meaning that the body is more curved and contoured.

Why do you think white women have such square jaws and masculine faces when compared to Asian women? or narrow hips and flat asses when compared to Black women?

It's science

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Masculine women produce masculine sons
Asian women produce low T slant eyed beta schoolshooters.

>Masculine women produce masculine sons
Thats not how it works
Also estrogens make women want to breed/have children/family
Which actually explains absolutely shitty birth rates in white countries

>muh birth rate
Fuck off jew

>Fuck off jew

Girl on the right looks like she suffer from some genetic disease too.

femine is not defined by hormone
its physical feature and attitude
i wouldnt call left woman who is very muscular a femine.
And that study inst about feminity either.

hormones are signalling molecules and depend on receptors and the following signalling cascade to produce a result

using it as an objective measure of muh masculinity/femininity is fucking retarded

No, that's exactly how it works.
Round faced women = round faced sons because in 99% cases sons take after their mothers.

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