I want to find Love in Japan
I want to find Love in Japan
sorry japan doesnt like black people jamal
i want to find the true oshiri in japan
Yes, i want nihonjin gf (male)
Do you love Japan?
Fuck off weebs
yes I have yellowfever, curryfever, junglefever, cunnyfever.
I love Japan more than anything
I want a qt Japanese girl to drain her balls in my boipussy
US women have vaginas too, John. Why does it have to be specifically japanese? Just get some girl from the many China towns you guys have, it's close enough since all rook same anyway
low quality post
Mandarin sounds gross
Thank you to drain her balls in my boipussy
I can't imagine what you say...
He wants a transsexual to ejaculate into his ass, basically. The transsexual is of course japanese.
Check out some porn of that, you guys saturated the internet with JAV
Japanese girls are hot sometimes, but i dont think you realize just how strange they are if youre used to american people. "Weird" to the point of you not understanding anything they do and not being able to have a healthy relationship with one. You have to marry some avant garde musician women who has travelled alot or youll be unhappy
Oh, I got it
Thank you
Nigga I post "I want to find Love in Japan" on Jow Forums every day.
What about this could possibly make you think that I have experience with Western women?
Why...why did it have to be like this...
You will NEVER have a japanese girlfriend(male)
I want to fuck 160 cm tall nip twinks and cycle through 5 at a time while I tell each one I love him and that he's the only one for me
trannies can't ejaculate unless he meant some other bodily fluid like blood or pus
Nobita said you are welcome as you adhere to the culture and aren't bracku.
put her bag over her head and she'd be good to go
why does this guy look like ww2 propaganda against japanese people?
Don't bully him. He already thinks he's ugly. I don't see why.
Ohhh that's what i want to hear boy
Please be a boy. Please be a boy. Please be a boy. Please be a boy. Please be a boy.
Jap girls are so thick, i'm sure they were selected for breeding traits