norf fc edition
Other urls found in this thread:
pablo picasso was a runt
couldn't even paint normally
Why is there such a link between autism and weebery?
i'm racist lads
This thread is EXCLUSIVELY for the WHITE MAN
Inferior beings not welcome
>powerwalking cured my racism
stuffs happening what’s making me anxious
Waiting on a call for a job so can't get drunk for the next few days until I get it
I'm not white
stop killing the mandem
Where's Cardi B
Wish I had the white/African American privilege
>not being white
What’s a good place to holiday for cheap in Europe?
My only friends at college are British
Any /blackbastard/ in?
What college? I'm gonna do a year abroad in the US
me? I'm a third generation hong konger
pleased to meet you
why yes, my parents run a chippy
no, we don't eat cats or dogs
Have type 2 Cardi B tes
Spian for British citizens
Pizza in the oven, should be just about ready
I'm 29
Knock it down, build flats
Private companies contracted by the public sector are motivated to provide the worst acceptable service for the greatest cost. This is an intrinsic fact of capitalism and any civil servant will tell you that this is anecdotally true.
Hi felix
Towson University. Its easy to get into and right next to Baltimore. It's also just a day trip away from D.C. Lots of blacks though, so if you're racist I don't reccomend it
you should try "borek" holy fuck it is good
how many slices?
don't you fucking dare
Just recouping their money innit
I'll go for 6, think I've got it figured out now
Took the missus for a bit of winter sun there instead of Ibiza this year cos Sports Directs tightening their assistant manager performance bonuses.
I was thinking of the uni of Montana in the rocky mountains, how white is that
Can see the council estates full of half black bastards now
Londinius Pakistanus
Very white, you should do it, the western U.S. is my favorite place on earth
Hello, Irishman.
Hmm yeah there is lot of delay in getting paid from public sector. Case in point: Israel sells military boots to the world for ₹25000 a pair. India also used to buy from them. But their production factory is in India. so indian government indirectly bought indian products at heavy price. So our defence approached the factory to make it direct and they said they won't do direct because there are lots of delays and corruption. So he gave his personal number to them and they agreed. Now indian army gets it at ₹2200 a pair
but that doesn't benefit society
Can see the world cup wins now
going to memebourne soon, any recommendations?
can trace my bloodline back to william the conquerer but I do not consider myself “white” whatever that’s supposed to mean
This whole Liam Neeson thing has got me thinking
Why exactly do blacks rape so much? Is it because they're so ugly no one will fuck them or what
I just realized blacks are the ultimate incels
*defence minister
Based Liam
neither does immigration
Pathetically cucked mentality lad
Why would you go to the US if you’re concerned about being around non-whites?
You could literally do a year abroad at the University of Pretoria and a higher proportion of people around you would be white compared to most major American cities (and the areas that are all white are boring as shit except for some of New England).
frog twat
me mog mogged me
Emory and Henry College Virginia Yes n/a
Montana State University Rocky Mountains Yes n/a
University of New Mexico Albuquerque Yes n/a
University of South Florida Tampa Yes n/a
University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, near New Orleans Yes n/a
Texas State University
These are the ones i can choose from
i'm black and shagging white girls is almost embarassingly easy. i'm only a 7.5 as well
High test
Wh*toid incels sit around complaining about it online while KARA BOGA take what they want
hmm nothing really sticks out it's just a generally pleasent city. nothing nearly as amazing as say doing the harbour tour round sydney
what a complete non-sequitur
Did I give you permission to talk to me, a White Man? you disgusting nigger
Run along and pay ur taxes cuck
All this dating app shit is bollocks, you can pull up chicks in person no matter your race if you aren’t a sperg
wow u proved my point about raping ppl
>4 children die in house fire
You're cool
Maybe Kenyan ladies are the polish women of black women.
white leftypol virgin
hope they were shitskins
Albuquerque, the South Western US probably has the best combo of weather, standards of living and people (far less shart-in-mart tier)
Sheikh Mansour went to Spain in a Lamborghini
Brought us back a manager
Manuel Pellegrini!
nah they were white council estate trash
I have had multiple sex partners and I am ethnically Japanese, so much for the stats
You're not allowed to call me a cuck after I've already called you one you bender
>Riley, Keegan, Tilly and Olly
oooh no no no ahahahahahsha
tenga eggs dont count as partners
I’m on mobile so I can’t 100% tell, are you posting from Malawi?
Any pipe-to-pipe bushman, or roboplegic wrongcocks in?
ok David-kun
White women are black men of white people
Now THAT sounds like some halfbreed names
Good riddance
these are all SHIT
White people in Africa are the greatest of the Anglo-Celts. The Empire wasn’t formed by people paying out their arse to take a year out of their meme degree to study at lower-tier American universities.
Has to google what that was mate lol wtf
What car would you buy when you have the money?
Yankified names
Wtf are you doing in Malawi lad?