Is your country similar to other countries?
>In climate
>In culture
>In personality / society / customs / manners
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Country similarity thread
You're retarded if you think that you're more somewhat similar to north africans than europeans in general.
This map pretty much.
like this maybe?
You're more turkish than european
>what is al-andalus
>what is ajedrez
>what is the spanish "J" sound
>what is muslim science
the influence of north africa is latent all over the iberian peninsula
nice yes
That's all spanish,which is castillian which is not galician
99% of people in galicia also speak spanish
also theres nothing shameful about having arab heritage, stop being an insecure little bitch about it
christians even adopted the arab arch for churches
>>In climate
well we have our unique basin biome, so sucks to be Poland
>>In culture
Poland, Czechia, Austira, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia
>>In personality / society / customs / manners
Latin America and Spain
Hes probably a nafri immigrant
You’re an Indian immigrant
Switzerland should be light green, just as Belgium.
No I'm a white English man
>we wuz vikangz and shit
you seriously think you're closer to iceland than lithuania?
>knwoing about arab culture and the heritage of al-andalus means im a nafri
north africans dont know shit about al-andalus btw, i studied more than they do, and studied more than you probably did
you're just a dumb Jow Forumsfag that thinks modern arabs are the same than arabs 1000 years ago when they were ahead of everyone else in technology, culture, science and literature
>we wuz vikangz and shit
yass baby :--DDDD
You have to go back to morroco
Here is a template because gay nigger OP didn't post it
Sure Ranjeesh
you have to go back to pakistan
>In climate
>In culture
>In personality
mix of sweden and russia/baltics
idk, i guess sweden
That man is a Spaniard
Here it is
Portugal shouldn't be all dark green, only the northern half. I doubt Algarve looks anything like Galicia, both in terms of culture and climate.
I am a white English man
You are a subhuman nafri immigrant
theres basically no argument, we can spend the entire thread calling each other names
brits and americans love this type of "conversations" i guess
go back to Jow Forums with your 2 digit friends thanks
germany is not like the UK
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging the contributions of islamic culture to Spain. Also, aren't Iberians arab by Jow Forums's standards?
The other northern bell beakers/germanics i guess
you sure?
when i was there, it looked a lot like north germanx
they are different, but they have mostly the same ancestry
>norway light green
>sweden yellow
sure nigel
North Western European gang
Op is a known Spanish cuck
Just report his thread as low quality and move on
t. Knower
i suppose its hard to quantify with this map what each level of similarity is but I would say its kind of similar but I always find Ireland and the UK have a bit less in common with central Europe when I travel
yeah but thats not really the question
>austria and hungary similar
scandinavia always seemed fairly similar to me, i live in yorkshire though
you put two cunts that are the exact same in different categories
genetically you're very close, but when it comes to these:
>In climate
>In culture
>In personality / society / customs / manners
are you REALLY similar at all? maybe some coastal cities in norway might be somewhat close
That's Roman arch you dumbfuck Moor, this is from 112 DC in Segovia
We are more like Norwegians though, they have less blonds and more gingers than Sweden, they talk more than swedes, they have less finnic genetic input, left some genes in the UK, a little more conservative etc
i wasnt reffering to the picture you dumbfuck moor
heres an actual example of what im talking about
>i wasnt reffering to the picture
then post horseshoe arches no round arches in the windows of the Alhambra
Isn't that hard faggot look loots of Horseshoes arches in a cathedral
you are more indistinguishable to potatoes and japs, than anyone in Europe, benis.
then you don't know anything about finland
you can post in Jow Forums without throwing insults in every post
this is why i hate spanish websites, all a bunch of hot-headed angsty edgelords
China then? I don't know they all look alike.
Based but why Irish?
can you even read the OP's post you crypto-turk?
>In climate
>In culture
>In personality / society / customs / manners
if you compare northern sweden to finland, we are literally the same in all those areas. and that is because sweden forced their culture, traditions and religion on us for over 600 years. we lost almost everything that made us "finnish", other than our genes, which the OP doesn't mention in his post. if this was about how similar we are to other countries genetically, i wouldn't have made it that way
What about Malta, don't they pretty much speak your dialect of Arabic with a couple Italian words mixed in?
Anger is the only thing that make me post here, now I'll go back to /mlp/ but I'll be monitoring this thread
>That map
Another delusional butthurt polish boy appears
Turks are actually indistinguishable from you
I can understand them but they are first worlders and I think the difference in our religions made our cultural mores very different
I would not feel somewhat at home in malta I just changed 'similar' with 'feel at home' in my mind because 'similar' is too vague
What exactly do we have in common? Turan larpers?
Slovenia, interesting, in what regard tho? Being a med country or? What about Denmark, it seem way off here?
I'd guess he thinks Denmark is more sort similar by happenstance - more laid back, lots of casual drinking, similar manners - than any direct cultural ties.
that too, lol
but we have fairly similar living standards, and a bit similar political culture these days
>Denmark and UK more similar
Wat is jou bedoeling hiermee Jan?
Don’t think so highly of yourself
>GDP per capita [+] 2017 10,538$ chart 14,229$ 2017 GDP per capita [+]
uhh, what?
>Australia indistinguishable from slavs,balts,germans,austrians
so much difference
>Didn't check the blue country
Everyone is an Arab by Jow Forums's "standards"
Still not sure about you map
Jow Forumstard NPCs do not allow any wrongthink like acknowledging the past achievements of arabic culture
Go back to re.ddit Tavirio
No you are not Muslim
No you are not arab
how come spanish on int are always sucking arab cock but portuguese are basically crusader larpers? why the difference
not as much as you are, but we be arabs and shit nonetheless
Portuguese and Spanish are Europeans who descend from visogoths
Not smelly inbred Muslim savages
No you are not Italian
No you are not Spanish
theres some portuguese people that tried to suck american cock on Jow Forums but got rejected, so they post here now with their americanized Jow Forums world view
Meanwhile in reality
spain is a fake country with identity issues
portugal is the sucessor of a crusader state (as were the other kingdoms that became spain)
suebi masterrace > alan horsefuckers > vandal retards > visishit plunderers
we still arab tho
We are Anime
Anyone else finds it funny how Israelis pretend to be some sort of Mediterranean brother to Southern Europe when most of the Jews living there have nothing do with the Mediterranean? Pathetic
Change my mind
There was a mass of Jews who lived in Spain and Portugal. also communities in Italy.
I personally made a DNA test and it says except for being western asian (mesopotomia & Iran mostely - about 70%) I'm also partly southern European (30%).
I mean after so many years it makes sense that there was a mix with others there.
moe moe nya nya kyun
Yes,I will change your mind,you're talking about sweden not your retarded mudslime heritage.
we're similar to argentina-nee-chan