Dutch girls are too tall

Dutch girls are too tall

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Never met one.

imagine a giant dutch girl lifting you and sucking your dick

as a manlet it pleases me greatly
need to find one with VERY low self-esteem though

Norwegian girls are too tall also

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For you Arjun.

Most are not but this is the only place in the world where I've ever seen women that are taller than me.
t. 178 vermin

>low self-esteem
only women with high self-esteem will date manlets

1/100 is taller than me

t. 185 manlet

Poor girl man, she has a very masculine body, I feel sad for her.

You can be tall and still look feminime (like OPs pic) but this girl has no chance. Those shoulders are wider than mine. (Kek)

Oh boy you have no idea...

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