Do Americans really do this?
Do Americans really do this?
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This is unfair how powerful niggers are, nerf when ?
That white whore probably fucked the black girl's Tyrone. She deserved it.
Those beasts attack in packs, they aren't powerful.
> viciously attack some random girl
> incriminate themselves by filming it
why do people do that? it's dumb enough to attack somebody, but filming the actual brutal assault?
Hey FYROM, I’m glad you’re curious about America. If you want to learn more, I suggest you head over to World Star Hip Hop to find out more!
proven fact, cut one nog and they all shall run
>tfw no crazy ghetto gf
Race war when?
You guys are watching the downfall of our civilization and laughing, while you are on the path to the same fate. We are just a couple years ahead of you.
Nah, only niggers are this violent
Yeah that's our black-americans alright. It's their culture I mean what can you do. Just ignore them
>red girl
did she died?
News media: these Covington white kids staring at this Native American elder is one of the most hateful things I've ever seen!!!
Internet: *posts 5000000 videos of black teenagers attacking whites for trivial or no reason*
News media:
lel you just know one of those white girls is a coalburner too
Kill these fucking negroids. Except if the white girl fucked indeed the black girl's Tyrone
they all look the same so you can't prove it was them even with video evidence
you know those black girls are probably helping you by removing the coalburners out of society, right?
fuck wh*tes
Its an awful feel isnt it friend
That guy looks south american or something...
>She will never prepare you fried chicken after fighting with her
This kind of thing is why American whites avoid American blacks at all costs. This is why we live in gated communities, avoid certain parts of town, go into debt to buy houses we can't afford so that our kids go to white schools, cross the street if we see a black on the sidewalk... American whites will do just about anything to avoid American blacks.
Amazing album
>the downfall of our civilization
Based and redpilled. Fuck civilization.
Yes unfortunately we let monkeys roam free from their cages and this is usually the result