How does it feel being the only country that’s been nuked?

How does it feel being the only country that’s been nuked?

Attached: B9513AD5-BEF9-45F7-9825-F719D867005C.jpg (700x700, 23K)

like a falling sun

Attached: 13-bob-dylan-3.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 106K)

You'll join them soon enough.

Is that a threat Igor?
Nobody threatens my greatest ally.

they're special little snowflake

>Vlad thinks we don’t have 30 ICBMs aimed at European Russia at all moments

Thanks, Fren. Here's a few billion dollars, buy yourself something nice.

Australia has been nuked more times than Japan actually

remember nukes.
tremble with fears,mutt.

did we just buy her an iron dome thingy?