Tfw in Bulgarian "taking a shower is" "взeмaм cи дyш" (taking a douche)

>tfw in Bulgarian "taking a shower is" "взeмaм cи дyш" (taking a douche)
>talk to american friend online
>"brb taking a douche"
>he thinks im a fag now

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dush here too
Mashaalah balkanlar bro



turkish and german too

Americans always create stupid new meanings for words. "Gay" unironically meant happy before they gave it the meaning it has today.

douche is from italian duccio from latin ductio

Duš sounds kinda weird to me, a bit too close to duša (soul). We use tuš.

so germans call themeslves like a shower?

I thought its French

Isn't anglo "douche" is a thing for pouring water into arse?
Maybe you had problems with shitting? Why did he assume you suck dicks?

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Its for cleaning your vagina, I think
Enema is the ass thing

That’s called an enema

no, one sounds like duşe, the other sounds like doyç

It's dush here too

I think we have found another ananas tier word. why are anglos so weird and call it shower?

We also have "prha" to be hones (just like all the other meme standard Slovene words), but the most commonly used colloquial word is tuš

It shows them water

We say "ducha"

What's the difference? They're both just latin ebonics.

we say 'ducha' in Brazil too, mostly when its related to cold shower

>not taking a grower

throw myself a douche*

>хвъpлям cи дyш
based Pernik peasant

Wait, what are you doing in Australia?

Just use "prysznic" like a normal human being and avoid all confusion.

You mean бaня

Yeah we have "Schauer" too, but it means something like "strong rain event"

>Poles clean themselves on the church pulpit
I thought you were devout Christians?

That's a bath tub

>That's a bath tub
That's vana

We don't have that word

the bigger question is how douche became an insult

yeah we do

vana -> bana -> banja

Oni imajo banja in vana, mi pa imamo samo banjo.

So pač razcepili eno besedo. Na jugu pogosto slišiš zamenjavo B za V (Jakov, Jevrej), naša ljudska izgovorjava banje pa je tako bana.

No, mogoče imata besedi isti izvor, ampak v slovenščini vana nič ne pomeni