6th of February: Day of Sami

The Samitic day is today. Finland has risen the flags on the poles.

Please remember the 6 thousands Samis who were killed by Finns for racial reasons.

Today most Samis in the world live in Norway instead of Finland.


Attached: 10f4e781.jpg (454x457, 33K)

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>live in Norway instead of Finland.
not finish, not interesting

>Today most Samis in the world live in Norway instead of Finland.
Don't we give them enough gibs or what gives?

I've seen Norwegians are pretty tired of Sami

*this comment on the state of Norwegian Sami has been redacted by request of Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste*

Why is there so many neurological problems in parts of Finland recently taken from Saami?

Attached: neuro.jpg (738x784, 113K)

uralics curse you if you harm them, be nice to samis

Vittun neekerit

Attached: card_after_training.png (1334x1002, 1.56M)

Nah people in Norway thinks being native norwegian is pretty cool.

Saami themselves don't consider themselves indigenous in their stories. They say a race of cannibalistic giants lived in the north before them but Saami had better weapons than them so they killed them.

Norwegians are as native to southern norway as the Saami are to lapland. The term "native norwegian" is nonsensical because we are native too.

Lapland stretches all the way down south to Trondheim. Norway's first capital

Gib saami gf

Attached: IMG_3129.jpg (720x480, 92K)

Norwegians have lived in southern and central Norway about as twice as long as Saami have in Lapland/Finnmark

>tfw you're f*nn
>tfw you'll never be native in your homeland
>tfw you're not sami
Why live?

Attached: mikko itku.png (1468x688, 64K)

Samene seirer igjen!

You mean the norwegians who spoke icelandic but no longer does?

You clearly have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Icelandic is a modern day language spoken on Iceland. Old (west) Norse was the language spoken in Norway back in the days when Iceland was newly settled, with different dialects for different places of southern Norway.
I don't like racism against the Saami either, but get your facts straight.

lol, "dacian" tier subhumanism

Buori sámi álbmotbeaivvi buohkaide!

Pyeri Säämi aalmugpeivi puohháid!

Šiõǥǥ saaʹmi meersažpeeiʹv pukid!

Attached: Saamen lippu.jpg (1075x800, 45K)


Sorry bro, we were cucks to the danes and swedes. Er no longer have our own language


It's clear that you're trolling, so I'll just leave you to your own devices.
Whether or not we got daned is irrelevant to you saying that we spoke """icelandic""" 1000 years ago (completely false, old west norse =/= modern day icelandic).

Stop sucking on those smol danish and swedish cocks user

No :3

What do you mean no

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Fuck sami ""people"

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>haluaa olla poroneekeri

*puts dead reindeer on the road*

What a pretty flag

>6 thousands
not bad Suomi, not bad

Blue part of the circle depicts moon, red sun. The whole circle is inspired by the Sámi drum. Colors are from Sámi traditional clothing (gákti)

*Ahem* Fuck the reindeer-molesters.

Attached: wolverine.jpg (649x365, 49K)

>Proto-Sami-speakers move to Lapland early first millennium CE and the earlier language(s) there go extinct
Look at me, I'm indigenous now!

Attached: look_at_me.jpg (620x329, 35K)

>Please remember the 6 thousands Samis who were killed by Finns for racial reasons.

Attached: 76576566.png (227x222, 6K)

>mikä oli liittolaisuus saksan kanssa
Siellähän ne kallonkokoja mittaili ja rotuoppeili

Mitähän vitun sieniä sä oot syönyt kun tommosia päästäs keksit?

Proofs postaaja ihan oikeessa. Hatusta vedettyjä johtopäätöksiä ja numeroita, vanhoja kalmoja. Kovasti ei todisteita löydy koviin väitöksiin. Rotuoppeili ja epäinhimillisti juu muuten kyllä.

Areenalla on eugeniikka dokkari. Ruotsin puolelta asiasta tullu myös joku leffa lähivuosina. Sitä kattoessa muista että koko Suomen sterilointimäärät on muutamia tuhansia jonkun viiden vuoskymmenen aikana vrt. ruotsin 15 kertasiin määriin. Ja samaa tapahtu mm. kaikkialla.

Attached: harmin lista.jpg (316x160, 11K)

Mun puolesta voitais jatkaa projektia ja kuohita kaikki Tampereen pohjoispuolella asuvat

>the 6 thousands Samis who were killed by Finns for racial reasons.
