Moortugal can join too

Attached: mediterranean_countries_flag_map_by_captainvoda-d5aatez.png (405x250, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Goodmorning, best sea.

Attached: comino-s-st-mary-s-tower-above-the-cliff.jpg (800x600, 335K)

I miss summer bruh

Attached: shutterstock_133174334_Paleokastritsa beach of Corfu island_Fotor.jpg (1800x1200, 481K)

I miss it just for the temperature. I don't like cold.

Attached: 51419507_2046635455430102_369503372279021568_n.jpg (960x960, 93K)

Looks good though

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-12-21-16-28.png (397x450, 223K)

What damage does an olive bomb does ?

I'm glad you posted this, because I remembered that there's this (now seemingly dead) Facebook project of creating such images using our folkloric entities.

Attached: Babaw.jpg (1447x2048, 385K)

Bump, I'll post them all. There's very few of them.

Attached: Belliegħa.jpg (1447x2048, 397K)

Attached: Gidmejmun.jpg (1447x2048, 463K)

Attached: Ħarruba.jpg (1447x2048, 465K)

Attached: Sabbara ta' Sisal.jpg (1447x2048, 458K)

Best region, wish we were a bit wealthier though

Attached: Silfjun.jpg (1447x2048, 345K)

Last one.

Attached: Xifajk.jpg (1447x2048, 382K)

>folkloric entities
malta has folklore?

When its summer I miss winter
When its winter I miss summer

I always wanted to live in Sicily or Andalusia its like i physically gravitate towards poverty : (

Attached: nuts2-unemployment-2016.jpg (1600x1600, 643K)

That's common.

Yo homies,what's up ?

Attached: d6e.jpg (628x442, 45K)

Friendship ended with EU
Turkey is my best friend now

Attached: deipno_tsipras-erdogan.jpg (1090x590, 71K)

cute :3


Attached: malta-turkija-13.jpg (2048x1422, 169K)

Comfy Mediterranean diplomacy

Attached: Dyp_iwfW0AIJ4TL.jpg (738x1024, 80K)

Comfy summer nights are the best

Attached: Boka20181114_164547.jpg (4128x3096, 3.72M)

Tunisian President is here right now.

Attached: OPR1.jpg (700x525, 142K)

She needs bigger tiddies

How can the rest of the world even compete ?

Attached: exoteriki-megali-thumb-large.jpg (958x598, 92K)

No wonder we have so many based neets

>We are fucking dogs according to gre*ks
I just want to say fuck you malakas

I cant make sense of this post user
try again

r8 your boy. Ours looks whipped.

Attached: DyGTNCcWsAAPVUd.jpg large.jpg (2048x1363, 192K)

I went to Thessaloniki once for work and it was similarly comfy. I ate at a fish restaurant right in front of the sea and a little kitten was meowing from table to table to get scraps.

god I wish I were mediterranean


It's easier to fight cold than heat.

Sometimes i think that we have to be more kind towards our northern euro friends ,i mean you had to grow up in fucking Scandinavia cut them some slack

Attached: 39087768-c23d-4fdf-81d7-434c4c0907f8.jpg (1600x900, 251K)

Italy and Spain are our greatest allies.

what would you order at this restaurant?

you goddamn right

N*rdic" women" lol

Attached: 1525535908437.jpg (849x1200, 194K)

Med milkies.



i wish i was born a med...

i wish i was born a med...

>but muh blonde hair and cum eyes
>Muh Nordic ultra feminist BBC enthusiast Roasties
>Muh big jaw krauts,look at this picture hehehe every n*rd is a 10/10

Med pride

Attached: Snapchat-274784549.jpg (1440x2560, 1M)

Attached: smugpepe.jpg (825x1000, 105K)

>Muscular forearm
>Olive oil skin
>Hair on arms like a man instead of a sissy

10/10 med specimen

Alright, where from the NA are you from?

**gets beheaded for not wearing burqa**

As far as I know all my family has been french ever since the 18th century, don't know before that.

Beautiful, simply beautiful

I miss the cicadas

Attached: 1541450621480.jpg (830x1094, 84K)


Some med songs for you frens

Attached: frens.gif (2784x590, 2M)

french are not med,they are larping g*rmans

t. Simon Regev

Don't die yet, fun hours are ahead.

Attached: blue-lagoon-3.jpg (1280x854, 323K)

My family all comes from Murcia. I'm MED too?

None of you in this thread are real patriotic meds.
I have known a man he was arap and lied to everyone he was italian even knew a bit how to speak it to fool outsiders he threatened me with a knife if i would ruin his game i think if you come to this point you are a true patriotic /med/ and italian. He is now in jail for robbery not for threatening me with a knife i would never go to the police to have a based man like him locked up.

>Implying anyone wants to post in a thread filled with magrebi and levantine chimps,

kill yourself turkman

Cool story brah

There was a handsome braseilero he has an ugly big nose with brown skin and arap eyes as well i bet you are just the same as him in looks sir
No need to feel superior when we look just the same otherwise prove me wrong by posting your nose even he did and did not prove anything but that his ancestors were yusuf and khadeja from jeddah go ahead sir

Portugal is an atl*ntoid

>Implying I'm a shitskinned gyppo like magrebhins such as yourself

Thnx it is strangely all true not made up I couldn‘t even make such things up for the life of me (too low IQ)
Oui i assume that because you talk exactly like the braseilero i don‘t like to save other people‘s pics but just head to the archive and see for yourself if you want to look in the mirror
P.S i just speak the dialect but I am in no way a maghrebi

Why are turks so good at architecture?

Attached: ayasofya.jpg (577x385, 60K)

been called shorty 3 times today


>Implying brazilians aren't whiter than magrebins,

even their niggers look better than magrebins

They genuinely are though

Attached: Ahmed.jpg (1200x675, 113K)

is sardinia a nice place to visit around september?

fuck lmao

Attached: suspiciousapu.jpg (699x485, 69K)

Non not made by turks
Only thing they added were minarets and a moon
Turks were not good architects at all since they could only build mosques and mosques and mosques (and rape) but now that I read it that‘s quite based



Attached: topkek.png (731x1172, 567K)

Turks are pretty based at architecture lad they made the Byzantine style cooler even though of course the Hagia Sofia was Greek.

It's the Sultan Ahmed Mosque

Attached: Dolmabahace.jpg (1000x667, 178K)

this is just a copy of italian's baroque

The filename took me off guard.

Wasn't that made by an armenian architect

Post nose and if you are right about it not looking afro-asiatic only then you‘re allowed to feel pretty and superior otherwise you will stay Yusuf bint Khadeijeh bint because you are a big gay cuckolckd who needs to look for his father gypsy big gorilla
I have to highly disagree at you thinking turks did anything right except rape and creating an ummah

What are some mediteranean war kinos?

Attached: screencapture-en-wikipedia-org-wiki-Tunisian-Sicilian_War-2019-02-06-16_39_14.png (344x1480, 255K)

do you have that kind of songs in your country

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Me 2 bruva

I don't think so.

Attached: gsom.png (286x803, 170K)

Literally looks like something that a autist would write in a fanfic.

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The French colonizers were based tho unlike the Brits who did nothing but kill and steal

I am Sicilian

how to stop being so beta
i can't express anger toward people (neither happiness) if i was 5 cm talle.....

Attached: dfgfdgdf.jpg (3802x442, 216K)

for how many years have you been attention whoring
is it never enough?

French? Not a fan.

Attached: file.png (322x823, 173K)

Your penis is 2 cm and now you want it to be 5 cm?
No i think you should give it all up and start a career of bottoming or licking no need to do it for men if that is not your style you need a femdomme vous mignon petit fagot

>you need a femdomme
Who doesn't?

for how many weeks have you been here

I pray to god my soul to keep

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D-do you guys think the Sultana likes to dom in the bedroom ?

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